Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

pa duat a tomb chamber for the patron deity.

pat anancient Egyptian caste, associated with Horus.

Patuit-Taui the name of the First Occasion, creation.

Per-Ankh “the House of Life,” an educational institu-

perdjem the name for olivine.

Per-Hay “the House of Rejoicing,” at Thebes.

Per-khenret the word for harem.

Per-Medjat the House of Books, a library.

per-nefer “the House of Beauty,” an embalming site.

peroor pero a’a the Great House, the palace.

Pert-er-Kheru meaning “from the mouth of the god,”
denoting any ancient text or document or saying.

pet the word for sky.

Piromis true humans, artists or intellectuals.

posesh-khef the mortuary forked instrument used to
instill resurrection in the corpse.

proyet the season of growing.

qas the word for an embalmed, wrapped body.

rekhet the lapwing bird symbol, denoting a caste of the
ancient historical periods.

Rekh-nesu a court title meaning “One Whom the King

ren the word for name.

renpet the regnal years of a ruler.

sa-ankh “the Waters of Life,” meaning ritual waters.

sah an individual free from the flesh.

seb a festival.

sebi the word for circumcision.

sed an ancient royal feast.

sekhem acts that restore the spirit of ma’at.

senut the term for flagstaffs at temple entrances.

sepat the name for a nome or province, and a nome

seshed a type of royal crown.

shabti the figure placed in the tomb to answer divine

shen, shennu “that which encircles,” a circle that
evolved into a cartouche.

shena the part of the palace reserved for servants and
the kitchens.

shes the word for alabaster.
sheshen the name for the lotus.
sheshmet the word for malachite.

sheta a hidden mystery, secret lore.
shomu the season of the harvest.

shoy the term for fate, also called shai.
Shub the Persea Tree, a cedar tree in Heliopolis.
sma-tawy the symbol of the unified Upper and Lower

Swenet “the Southern Gate,” a term for Aswan.
Ta-Meht a word meaning Lower Egypt.

Ta-Resu a word meaning Upper Egypt.
Ta-set a’a the “Great Place,” the Valley of the Kings.
Ta-set neferu the “Place of the Royal Children,” the
Valley of the Queens.

Ta-Seti a section of Nubia, “the Land of the Bow.”
Ta-she an area of the Faiyum, the Land of the Lakes.
thet an amulet called the Girdle of Isis.

tjam a word for electrum or white gold.
tjehenet the word for faience, translated as brilliant.

Tuat the term for the Underworld, also called Duat.
uatch the termfor the green stone amulet.
Uat-ur “the Great Green,” the Mediterranean Sea.

Uben the spirits that bring the dawn.
uraeus the cobra and vulture, a royal symbol.
ur-heka a mortuary instrument used to open the mouth
of the corpse.

wadj the color green.
wadj-en-Bakh “the Green Stone of the East,” beryl.

wadjet the symbol of the Eye of Ré.
waret the abyss from which Ré arose.
wedjau an amulet of a god.

Wepet-renpet the New Year.
Wereret the double crown of the pharaohs.
Zent a dead bird, an omen of misfortune.

Glossary 4 41
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