Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Boldfacepage numbers indicate
main headings. Italicpage
numbers indicate illustrations.
The letter tdenotes a table and
mindicates a map.
Aa 1
A’ah 1
A’ahset 1
A’ametju 2
A’amu 2
A’a Nefer 2
A’aru 2
A’at 2
A’ata 2–3
Abar 3
Abaton 3
Abbott Papyrus 3
Abdiashirta 3
Abdi-Milkuti 3
Abdu Heba 3–4
Abgig 4
Abibaal 4
Abisko 4
Abu Gerida 4
Abu Ghurob 4
Abu Hamed 4
Abu Rowash 4
Abu Simbel 4–6,5, 52
Abusir 6, 6
Abydos 6–8, 7
Abydos Fleet 8
Achaean League 8
Achaemenes 8
Achaemenians 8
Achillas 8
Achoris 8
Actium 8–9
Adda Stone 9
Adea-Eurydice 9
Adicran 9
‘Adjib 9
Admonitions of Ipuwer 9
Adule 9
afnet 9
agate 9
Agatharchides 10
Agathocles (1) (fl. third century
B.C.E.) 10
Agathocles (2) (d. c. 205 B.C.E.) 10
Agesilaus 10
agriculture 10–13, 11
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 13
A-Group 13
Aha 14
Ahenobarbus, Gnaeus Domitius 14

Ah’hotep (1) (consort of Ta’o II)
Ah’hotep (2) (consort of
Amenhotep I) 15
‘Ahmose 15–16
‘Ahmose, son of Ebana 17–18
‘Ahmose (1) (Royal woman of
Eighteenth Dynasty) 16
‘Ahmose (2) (Prince of Eighteenth
Dynasty) 16
‘Ahmose-ankh 16
‘Ahmose-Hetempet 16
‘Ahmose-Hettinehu 16
‘Ahmose-In-Hapi 16
‘Ahmose-Merytamon 16
‘Ahmose (Nebpehtiré) 15–16
‘Ahmose-Nefertari 16–17
‘Ahmose-Pen Nekhebet 17
‘Ahmose-Sipair 17
‘Ahmose-Sitayet 17
‘Ahmose Tumerisy 18
Aigyptos 18
Aion 18
Aker 18
Akhenaten 18–19
akhet(1) (season) 19
Akhethotep 20
Akhlane 20
Akhmin 20
Akkadians 20
Alara 20
alchemy 20
Alexander Aetolus 21
Alexander Balas 21
Alexander Helios 22
Alexander (III) the Great 20–21
Alexander IV 21
Alexandria 22,22–23, 23 m
Battle of 23
Library of 212–213
Lighthouse of 214
altar 23
Amada 23
Amara 23
‘Amarna, el- 23–24
architecture 52
art 51
‘Amarna Letters 24
Amasis 24–25
Amaunet 25
Am Duat 25
Amemait 25
Amenemhab 25
Amenemhet (1) (fl. 14th century
Amenemhet (2) (fl. 20th century
B.C.E.) 28

Amenemhet (3) (fl. 19th century
B.C.E.) 28
Amenemhet (4) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 28
Amenemhet I 25–26
Amenemhet II 26–27
Amenemhet III 26, 27
Amenemhet IV 27
Amenemhet V 27
Amenemhet VI 27
Amenemhet VII 27
Amenemnisu 28
Amenemope 28
Amenemope (1) (fl. 12th century
B.C.E.) 28
Amenemope (2) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 29
Amenemopet 29
Amenhirkopshef (1) (fl. 12th cen-
turyB.C.E.) 29
Amenhirkopshef (2) (fl. 13th cen-
turyB.C.E.) 29
Amenhotep, Son of Hapu 31–32,
Amenhotep I 29–30
Amenhotep II 30–31
Amenhotep III 31
Amenia 32
Ameni-A’amu 32
Amenirdis (1) (fl. 8th century
B.C.E.) 32
Amenirdis (2) (fl. 7th century
B.C.E.) 32
Amenken 33
Amenmesses 33
Amenmose 33
Amennakht 33
Amenpanefer 33
Amenti 33
Amenwah 33
ames 34
Amestris 34
amethyst 34
Amherst Papyrus 34
Ami-ut 34
Amorites 34
Amratian 34
Amtes 34
amulet 34–35
ankh 38
Girdle of Isis 145
knots 205
menat(1) 236
menat(2) 236
neb(2) 263
Nefer(2) 266
papyrus scepter 296

pillow amulet 307
rising sun 345
sa 349
sema 360
serpent’s head 365
shebyu 370
sma 377
steps 389
sun’s eye 390
thet 404
Two Fingers 418
uatcht 419
wadjet 429
Amun 35
Amun’s Bark 35–36, 65
God’s Wife of 152–153
Amun-dyek’het 35
Amunemhet (1) (fl. 16th century
B.C.E.) 35
Amunemhet (2) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 36
Amunet 36
Amunnakhte’s Instructions 36
Amun’s Wives 36
Amun-wosret 36
Amyrtaios (1) (fl. fifth century
B.C.E.) 36
Amyrtaios (2) (d. 393 B.C.E.) 36
Amytis 36
Ana (1) (fl. 18th century B.C.E.)
Anastasi Papyri 37
Anath 37
Anather 37
Anatolians 37
ancestor cult letters 37
ancestor worship 37
Andjeti 37
Andreas 37
Anen 37
Anfushi 37–38
Anhai Papyrus 38
Anhur 38
Ani 38
Ani, Maxims of 228
Aniba 38
animals, mythical 152
Ami-ut 34
Anubis 42–43
griffin 155
Hemetch 165
kenken-ur 197
Mafdet 223
Nehah-ré 272
Sefer-t 358
Tschesertep 412
Typhonean Animal 418



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