Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

animals, sacred 151
A’a Nefer 2
Apis 43
baboon 63
Ba’eb Djet 63
bain-a’abitu 64
birds Seebirds, sacred
Buchis 74
bulls 75
cat 81
fish Seefish, sacred
Harsaphes 159
hippopotamus 169
Ichneumon 177
insects Seeinsects, sacred
jackal 187
Kem-wer 196
lion 215
Matit 228
Mau (1) 228
mau (3) 228
Pakhet 294
Ram of Mendes 339
reptiles Seereptiles, sacred
Repyt 344
Shesmetet 372
Sment 378
Unu 420
Wenut 431
Wepwawet 431
Ani Papyrus 38
ankh 38
Ankhefenmut 38
Ankhesenamon 38–39
Ankhesneferibré 39
Ankh-Hor 39
Ankhkhaf 39
Ankh-ma-hor 39
Ankhnesmery-Ré (1) (mother of
Merenré) 39
Ankhnesmery-Ré (2) (mother of
Pepi II) 39
Ankhnes-Pepi 39
Ankhsheshongy 39
Ankh-tawy 39–40
Ankhtify 40
Ankhu 40
Ankhwennofre 40
Antefoker 40
Anti 40
Antigonus II Gonatas 40
Antigonus I Monophthalmus 40
Antiochus Hierax 41
Antiochus I 40–41
Antiochus II 41
Antiochus III the Great 41
Antiochus I Soter 41
Antiochus IV 41
Antipater of Idumea 41
Antony, Marc 41–42
Anubeion 42
Anubis 42–43
Anukis 43
Aoh 43
Apedemak 43
Apis 43
Apollonius 43
Apollonius of Rhodes 43
Apophis (1) (serpent) 44
Apophis (2) (d. 1542 B.C.E.) 44

“appearing” 44
Apries 44
Apuleius, Lucius 44
Arabian Desert 44–45
Aramaeans 45
Archelaus Sisines 45
Archimedes 45
architecture Seeart/architecture
Aristarchus of Samothrace 45
Aristophanes of Byzantium 45
Arius Didymus 45
Arkamani 45
army SeeMilitary
Arsamis 45
Arsenuphis 46
Arses 46
Arsinoe (1) (consort of Ptolemy II
Philadelphus) 46
Arsinoe (2) (daughter of Ptolemy
I Soter) 46
Arsinoe (3) (consort of Ptolemy
IV Philopator) 46
Arsinoe (4) (daughter of Ptolemy
XII) 46–47
Arsinoe (5) (mother of Ptolemy I)
Arsinoe (6) (site near
Crocodilopolis) 47
Arsinoe (7) (site near Ardscherud)
art/architecture 47–55,48, 49, 52,
‘Amarna 51, 52
bay 67
canon of the human figure 49
columns 54
Early Dynastic Period/Old
Kingdom 48–50
flagstaffs 139
Late Period 53
Late Predynastic Period 47–48
macehead 223
mastabas 227–228
merkhet 240
Middle Kingdom 50–51
mortuary temples 256
Narmer palette 262
New Kingdom 51
Old Kingdom 48–50
palette 294
peristyle court 301
Ptolemaic Period 53–54
‘Ramessid Period 51
serekh(2) 365
Third Intermediate Period 53
Tuthmossid Period 51–52
valley temples 424
Window of Appearance 432
Artabanus 47
Artatama 55
Artavasdes III 55
Artaxerxes I 55
Artaxerxes II 55
Artaxerxes III Ochus 55
Artemidorus 55
Artystone 55
Aryandes 55
Arzawa (1) (Hittite ruler) 56
Arzawa (2) (Anatolian people)

Asasif 56
aser 56
Ashait 56
Ashoka 56
Ashurnasirpal II 56
Ashur-uballit I 56
Assuit 56
Assurbanipal 56
Assyrians 57
Astarte 57
Asten 57
astrology 57,77–78
astronomy 57–58, 405
Aswan 58
Aswan Nilometer 58
Atbara 58
Aten 58
Atet 59
Athenaeus 59
Athribis 59
Athribis Stela 59
Atika 59
Atum 59
Augustus 59–60, 60
Auibre 60
Ausim 60
aut 60
auta 60
Avaris 60
awet 60
Awibré Hor 61
Axe of Ah’hotep 61
Aya (1) (Merneferreé) (d. 1690
B.C.E.) 61
Aya (2) (Kheperkhepruré) (d.
1319 B.C.E.) 61
Aziru 61
ba(1) (human-headed bird) 62
ba(2) (ram god of Mendes, Ba’eb
Djet) 62
ba (3) (deity in Amenti) 62
ba’ankh 62
Bab el-Gusus 62–63
Bab el-Hosan 63
baboon 63
Bacchias 63
Badari, el 63
Ba’eb Djet 63
Bagoas 63
Baharia Oasis 63
bahouse 62
Bahr Libeini 64
Bahr Yusef 64
bain-a’abitu 64
Bakenkhonsu 64
Bakenrenef 64
Baketamun 64
Baketwerel 64
Bakhau 64
Bakht 64
Balakros 64–65
Ballbek 62
Ba’lu-shipti 65
Ba’lu-urs 65
baptism 65
barks of the gods 65, 65
Barramiyeh 65–66
Bastet 66

Bata (1) (deity) 66
Bata (2) (character in Tale of Two
Brothers) 66
Batn e-Hagar 66
Battle of the Nile 66
Bauerdat 66
Baufré 66
Bay 66–67
bay 67
beards 67
Beatty Papyrus IV, Chester 67
Bebi 67
Bedouins 67
beer 67
bees 67
Behbeit el-Hagar 67
Beit el-Wali 68
Beit Khallaf 68
Bekhen Quarry Map 68
benben 68
Benha 68
Beni Hasan 68
Benimeryt 68
Bennu 68–69
Bentresh Stela 69
Berenib 69
Berenice (1) (Berenike) (d. 275
B.C.E.) 69
Berenice (2) (Berenike Syra) (fl.
third century B.C.E.) 69
Berenice (3) (Berenike) (fl. third
centuryB.C.E.) 69
Berenice (4) (Berenike) (d. 80
Berenice (5) (Berenike) (fl. first
centuryB.C.E.) 70
Berenice (6) (Berenike) (d. c. 240
B.C.E.) 70
Berenice (7) (site) 70
Berlin Papyri 70, 375
Bersha 70
Bes 70
Biahmu 70
Biban el-Harim 70
Biban el-Moluk 70
Biga 70–71
Bint-Anath 71
birds, sacred 151
Bennu 68–69
goose 153
hawk 162
ibis 177
phoenix 307
vulture 426
bird symbols 71
Biridiya 71
Bir Tarfawi 71
Biryawaza 71
Bitter Lakes 71
Biya 71
Blemmyes 71
board games 71–72
Bokkenenife 72
Book of Caverns 72
Book of the Dead 72,72–73
Ani Papyrus 38
kites(2) 205
Lamentations of Isis and
Nephthys 209
net spells 276

450 Index

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