Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

recensions 341
Sokar Boat 385
Bubasite Portal 73
Bubasteion 73
Bubastis 73
Bucheum 73–74
Buchis 74
Buhen 74, 74 m
“Building Inscription” 74–75
Building Text 75
bulls 75
A’a Nefer 2
Apis 43
Kem-wer 196
Bunefer 75
Burna-Buriash II 75
Burullus 75
Busiris 75
Butehamun 75
Buto 75
Byblos 75–76
byssys 76, 76

Caesar, Julius 77
Caesareum 77
Cairo Calendar 77–78
calcite 78
calendar 78
akhet(1) 19
Cairo Calendar 77–78
epagomenal days 132
Medinet Habu Calendar 232
months 249–250
Sothic Rising 386
Callias of Sphetlus 78
Callimachus of Cyrene 78–79
Cambyses 79
Canaan 79
Canal of Necho II 79
Canal of Sehel 79
Cannibal Hymn 79
canopic jars 79–80
Canopus 80
Canopus Decree 80
Carchemish, Battle of 80
Carmel, Mount 80
carnelian 80
cartonnage 80
cartouche 80–81
cat 81
cataracts 81
Caverns, Book of 72
celebrations Seefestivals
cenotaphs 7, 81
cereal crops 12
C-Group 81
Chabrias 81
Chaldeans 81
chancellor 81
chariots 81–82, 82
Charonnophis 82
Chemmis 82
Cheops SeeKhufu
Chremonides 82
Chronicle of Prince Osorkon 82
Cippus of Horus 82
circumcision 83
clapper 83
Claudius Ptolemy 83

Cleomenes of Naukratis 83
Cleopatra (1) (d. 176 B.C.E.) 83
Cleopatra (2) (fl. second century
B.C.E.) 83
Cleopatra (3) (daughter of
Ptolemy VI Philometor)
Cleopatra (4) (daughter of
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II) 84
Cleopatra (5) Selene (daughter of
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II) 84
Cleopatra (6) Tryphaina 84
Cleopatra Selene (daughter of
Cleopatra VII) 85
Cleopatra Thea 85
Cleopatra VII 84,84–85
clocks 85
clothing Seedress; textiles
coffins 85
coffin texts 85–86
coinage 86, 430
colors 86, 86 t
Colossi of Memnon 86–87, 87
columns 54, 54
Companions of the Divine Heart
Contending of Ré and Set 87
Corners of the Earth 87
coronation rituals 87
corvée 87–88, 88
cosmetics 88
cosmogony 88–89
Council of Ten 89
crocodile 89
Crocodilopolis 90
Croesus 90
crook 90
crops/agricultural products 12
crowns 89, 89
cult centers 90, 90 t– 91 t
cults 89–90
currency Seecoinage
Cusae 91
cylinder seals 91
Cyprus 91
Cyrene 91
Dagi 92
daily royal rites 92
Dakhla 92–93
Dakka 93
Dal Island 93
Damanhur 93
Damietta (1) (branch of Nile) 93
Damietta (2) (port city) 93
Danaus 93
Darius I 93
Darius II 93–94
Darius III Codoman 94
Dashur 94
Dead, Book of the 72,72–73
death Seemortuary rituals
“Debate of a Man with His Soul”
deben 95
Dedi 95
Dedu 95
Dedumose II 95
Dedun 95

Dedyet (1) (sister/wife of
Amenemhet I) 95
Dedyet (2) (daughter of
Amenemhet I) 95
Defufa 95
deification 95
Deinokrates 95–96
Deir el-Bahri 96,96, 97 m
Deir el-Balah 96–97
Deir el-Ballas 97
Deir el-Bersha 97
Deir el-Durunka 97
Deir el-Gebrawi 97
Deir el-Medina 97,97–98
deities Seegods and goddesses
Delta 98
Demetrius II Nicator 98
Demetrius I Poliorcetes 98
Demetrius of Phalerum 98
Democritus 98
Demotic Chronicle 98
Den 99
Dendereh 99, 99
Derr 99, 100
desert 100
Deshasha 100
Diadoche 100
didactic texts 217
Admonitions of Ipuwer 9
Amunnakhte’s Instructions 36
Ankhsheshongy 39
“Debate of a Man with His
Soul” 94
Duauf’s Instructions 105
Instructions for Merikaré 180
Instructions of Amenemhet I
Instructions of Prince Djedefhor
Instructions to the Vizier
Rekhmiré 180
Kagemni’s Instructions 191
Kemyt 196
Lansing Papyrus 211
Maxims of Ani 228
Maxims of Ptah-hotep 228
Negative Confessions 272
Satire on Trades 355
sboyet 355
School Boy Texts 356
Teachings of Tuaf 397
Didymus 100
Dimeh el-Siba 100
Diodorus Siculus 100
Dionyseas 100
Dionysius 100
Diospolis Parva 100
District of Tekhenu-Aten 101
Divine Companions 101
Djar 101
djeba 101
djed 101
Djedefhapi 101
Djedefhor 101
Djedef-Khufu 101
Djedefptah 101–102
Djedhorbes 102
Djedi 102
Djedji 102
Djedmutesankh 102

Djehor 102
Djehuti 102
Djehutihotep 102
Djehutnufe 102
Djer 102–103
Djet 103
Djoser 103
dogs 103
Donation, Stela of 388
Doomed Prince, Tale of the 394
Douao 103
Dra-abu’ el-Naga 104
Dream Steal 104
dress 104
nemes 274
shendyt 371
“Drunkards of Menkauré” 105
Duamutef 105
Duauf’s Instructions 105
dwarf 105
dynasties 105–108
Early Dynastic Period 105
First Intermediate Period 106
Greco-Roman Period 108
Late Period 107–108
Late Predynastic Period 105
New Kingdom Period
Old Kingdom Period
Third Intermediate Period 107
dynasty histories 108–113
Early Dynastic Period
First Intermediate Period
Greco-Roman Period 111–112
Late Period 112–113
Middle Kingdom 110
New Kingdom 111
Old Kingdom 109
Second Intermediate Period
Third Intermediate Period
Early Dynastic Period 119–120
art/architecture 48–50
dynasties 105
dynasty histories 108–109
military 244
queens 327
social evolution 380–381
Ebers Papyrus 114
Edfu 114–115
education SeeDidactic Texts;
Edwin Smith Papyrus 115, 378
Egypt 115–123, 116 m, 124 m
and the East 123–126, 124 m
under the Ptolemies, ca. 250
B.C.E. 314m
Egyptian Empire 126–127
Egyptian historical periods
Early Dynastic Period
First Intermediate Period 120
geography 115, 117
Greco-Ptolemaic Period 123

Index 451
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