Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Late Period 123
Middle Kingdom Period
New Kingdom 121–122
Old Kingdom 120
Predynastic period 117–119
Second Intermediate Period
Third Intermediate Period
Egyptian language
Late 210
Middle 209–210
Old 209
El-Bersha 130
electrum 130
Elephantine 130–131, 131
Elkab 131
El-Kula 131
“Eloquent Peasant” of
Herakleopolis 131–132, 339
Ennead 132
epagomenal days 132
Eratosthenes of Cyrene 132
Erment 132
Ernutet 132
erpati hati’o 133
Esna 133
Essarhaddon 133
Esye 133
eternity 133–134
Euclid 134
Eurydice 134
execration 134
exemption decrees 134
extradition 134
Eye of Ré 134, 340

Fag el-Gamous 135
faience 135
Faiyum 135–136
false door 136
Famine Stela 136
fantastic tales 217
Nebusemekh 265
Ramesses II’s Cycle 336
St. Petersburg Papyrus 351
Setna Khamwas (2) 368–369
Sinuhe the Sailor 375
Tale of Khufu and the Magicians
Tale of Prince Setna 394
Tale of the Doomed Prince 394
Tale of the Shepherds 394
Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Tale of Two Brothers 394
Farafra Oasis 136
Faras 136
Fara’un Mastaba 136
fate 136
Fatieh el-Beida 136
Festival of Entering a Temple 136
festivals 136–138, 137
Amun 35
heb 163
heb-sed 163
Lamentations of Isis and
Nephthys 209

Night of the Tear 276
Nile festivals 278
Oriris festivals 290
Oriris mysteries 290–291
sed 358
Valley Festival 422
Festival of Entering a Temple 138
fiction Seefantastic tales
First Intermediate Period 120
dynasties 106
dynasty histories 109–110
military 245
social evolution 381
“First Occasion” 138
“First Under the King” 138–139
fish, sacred 152
Neser 275
oxyrrhynchus (1) 292
fish (as food) 12
flagstaffs 139
flail 139
Flies of Valor 139
folklore Seefantastic tales
Followers of Horus 139
Followers of Set 139
foods 139–140, 140
fortresses 140–141
“Forty Day Route” 141
Forty-Two Judges 141
Foundation Deposits 141
Fraser Tombs 141
“Friend of the King” 141–142
frog 142
funerary cones 142
Funerary Offerings, Liturgy of the
Gabinus, Aulus 143
Gallus, Gaius Cornelius 143
games, board 71–72
Garf Hussein 143
Gaugamela 143
Geb 143–144
Gebel Adda 144
Gebel Barkal 144
Gebel Dokhan 144
Gebelein 144
Gebel el-Ahmar 144
Gebel el-Sidmant 144
Gebel el-Silsileh 144
Gebel el-Zebara 144
Gebel Mokattem 144
Gebel Tingar 145
genitals 145
geography 115, 117
Gerze 145
Ghurob Shrine Papyrus 145
Gilukipa 145
“Ginger” 145
Girdle of Isis 145
Giza 145–147, 146 m, 147, 387
gods and goddesses 147–152,
148–149t, 148–152
birds 151
fish 152
foreign 150–151
mythical animals 152
reptiles 151

sacred animals 151
trees 152
God’s Wife of Amun 152–153
gold 128
goose 153
“go to one’s ka” 153
government 153–154
Governors of the Northlands 154
Granicus 154–155
granite 155
grapes 12
Greatest of Seers 155
Great Pyramid at Giza 88,
145–147, 203,321–323
Greco-Ptolemaic Period 123
Greco-Roman Period
dynasties 108
dynasty histories 111–112
military 247
social evolution 385
Greece 155
griffin 155
Ha 156
Hakoris 156
Halicarnassus 156
Halwan 156
“Hanging Tomb” 156–157
Hapi (1) (personification of the
Nile) 157
Hapi (2) (son of Horus) 157
Hapuseneb 157
harem (1) (household of lesser
wives of king) 157–158
harem (2) (women who served in
temples of Karnak and Luxor)
Harkhuf 158
Harmachis (1) (fl. eighth century
B.C.E.) 158
Harnakhte (1) (son of Shoshenq I)
Harnakhte (2) (son of Osorkon II)
Harnedjheriotef 158
Haronophis 158–159
Harpson 159
Harris Papyrus 159
Harsaphes 159
Harsiese 159
Harsomtus 159
Hat-Aten 159
Hathor 159,159–160, 160
Hathorhotep 160
Hat-mehit 160
Hatnofer 160
Hatnub 161
Hatshepsut 161,161–162
Hattusilis I 162
Hattusilis III 162
Haukhet 162
Hawara 162
Hawawish 162
hawk 162
headrests 162
Hearst Papyrus 162
heart 163
Heart, Divine 163
heb 163

Hebenu 163
heb-sed 163
Hecataeus of Abdera 163
Hedjhekenu 163
Heh 163, 163
Hekaib 164
heker 164
Heket 164
Heliopolis 164
Hemaka 164
Hemamiyeh 164
hemet 164
Hemetch 165
Hemiunu 165
Heneb 165
Henenu 165
Henheit 165
Hent (1) (fl. 30th century B.C.E.)
Hent (2) (fl. 19th century B.C.E.)
Henu 165
Henutempet 165
Henuten 165
Henutmiré 165
Henutsen 165–166
Henuttaneb 166
Henuttawy 166
Hepdjefau 166
Heptet 166
Hepu 166
Hepzefa 166
Herakleopolis Magna 166
Herihor 166
Heri-hor-Amun 166
Herit 167
Hermes Trismegistos 167
Hermopolis Magna 167
Hermopolis Parva 167
Herneith (1) (fl. 30th century
B.C.E.) 167
Herneith (2) (fl. 28th century
B.C.E.) 167
Herodotus 167
Herophilus of Chalcedon
Hesira 168
Hesseb 168
Hetephakef 168
Hetepheres (1) (daughter of Huni)
Hetepheres (2) (daughter of
Khufu) 168
Hetephernebty 168
Hiba, el- 168–169
Hibis 169
Hierakonpolis 169
Hieroglyphic Egyptian 210–211
hieroglyphs 210,210–211
neb(2) 263
Nefer(1) 266
Ptolemaic script 313
rekhet 342
renpet(1) 344
Rosetta Stone 347
sa 349
sedge 358
Sinai Inscriptions 375

452 Index

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