Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

High Gates of Medinet Habu 169
hippopotamus 169
Agatharchides 10
Didymus 100
Diodorus Siculus 100
Hecataeus of Abdera 163
Herodotus 167
Manetho 225–226
Strabo 389
historical documents
Adda Stone 9
‘Amarna Letters 24
Amherst Papyrus 34
Anastasi Papyri 37
“Building Inscription” 74–75
Canopus Decree 80
Chronicle of Prince Osorkon
Demotic Chronicle 98
Harris Papyrus 159
Installation of the Vizier
King Lists 204–205
Koptos Decree 207
Manetho’s King List 226
Mayer B Papyrus 229
Nauri Decree 263
Nefer-rohu’s Prophecy 269
Palmero Stone 294
Prisse Papyrus 311
Quarrel of Apophis and
Sekenenré 325
Ramesseum Papyri 339
Records of Restorations of
Royal Mummies 341
Sallier Papyri 351
Salt Papyrus 352
Satirical Papyrus 355
Sinai Inscriptions 375
Sinuhe the Sailor 375
Turin Canon 413
Turin Mining Papyrus 413
Wenamun, Report of 216,
Westcar Papyrus 431–432
Wilbour Papyrus 432
“writing from the god himself”
Hittite Alliance 134, 169
Hittites 169–170
Hiwa Semania 170
honey 170
Hor Awibré 170
Horemhab 170–171
Horhirwonmef 171
horizon 171
Hor of Sebennytos 171
horse 171–172
Horurre 172
Horus 172,172–173
Followers of 139
Horus Eye 173
“Horus-In-The Nest” 173
Hor-wen-nefer 173
Hotepiriaket 173
Hotepsekhemwy 173
House of Adorers 173
Hreré 173
Hu 173

Hua 173
Hudet 174
human figure, canon of 49
Hunefer Papyrus 174
Huni 174
Hurbeit 174
Hurrians 174
Huy (1) (Viceroy of Nubia) 174
Huy (2) (governor of Baharia
Oasis) 174
Huya 174
hydraulic systems 12–13
Hyksos 174–175
“Hymn of Rising” 175
hypostyle hall 176
Ibhet 177
Ibi 177
ibis 177
Ibu 177
Ichneumon 177
Idet 177
Idu 177
Ihy 178
Ikhernofret 178
Ikudidy 178
Imhotep 178
Imi 178
Imsety 178
Imu 178–179
Inaros 179
incense 179
Ineni 179
Inhapi 179
insects, sacred 152
scarab 356
scorpion 356
Selket 360
Installation of the Vizier179–180
Instructions for Merikaré 180
Instructions of Amenemhet I 180
Instructions of Prince Djedefhor
Instructions to the Vizier Rekhmiré
Intef (1) (fl. 20th century B.C.E.)
Intef (2) (fl. 15th century B.C.E.)
Intefoker 180
Intiu 180
Inuet 181
Inventory Stela 181
Inyotef I 181
Inyotef II 181
Inyotef III 181
Inyotef IV 181
Inyotef V 181
Inyotef VI 181
Inyotef VII 181
Ipsus 181–182
Ipuki 182
Iput (1) (fl. 24th century B.C.E.)
Iput (2) (fl. 23rd centuryB.C.E.)
Iput-isut 182
Ipuwer, Admonitions of 9
Irbast’udjefru 182

irrigation 12–13
sakieh 351
shaduf 370
Irukaptah 182
Irunefer 182
Iry Hor 182
Iseion 182
Iset (1) (fl. 15th century B.C.E.)
Iset (2) (Iset Takemdjert) (fl. 12th
century B.C.E.) 182
Iset (3) (fl. 14th century B.C.E.)
Isetnofret (1) (consort of
Ramesses II) 183
Isetnofret (2) (consort of
Merenptah) 183
Isetnofret (3) (consort of
Ramesses IV) 183
Isetnofret (4) (consort of
Ramesses VII) 183
isfet 183
Ished Tree 183
Isis 183–184, 184
Island of Trampling 184
Issus 184
Istemkhebe (1) (wife of Pinudjem
[1]) 184
Istemkhebe (2) (wife of
Menkheperresenb) 184
Istemkhebe (3) (wife of Pinudjem
[2]) 184
Ita 184–185
Itaweret 185
Itekuyet 185
Itj-tawy 185
Ity 185
Iuni 185
Iuput 185
Iuput I 185
Iuput II 185
Iusas 185
Iuwelot 185
ivory 185
Iwntyw-Seti 185–186
Iymery 186
Izezi 186
jackal 187
Joppa 187
Judgment Halls of Osiris
187–188, 188
Judicial Papyrus of Turin 188
ka 189
“go to one’s ka” 153
kaservant 195
Ka’aper statue 189–190
Kadesh 190
Kadesh, Battle of 190
Kagemni 190–191
Kagemni’s Instructions 191
Kahun 191
Kahun Papyrus 191
Kakai 191
Kalabsha 191
Kamose 191–192
Kamtjenent 192
Kamutef 192

Kaneferré 192
Kap 192
Kapes 192
Karanis 192
Karaotjet 192
Karnak 192–195,193, 194 m, 195
Karnak cache 195
Karomana (1) (consort of
Shoshenq I) 195
Karomana (2) (consort of
Osorkon I) 195
Karomana (3) (consort of
Shoshenq II) 195
Karomana (4) (consort of
Osorkon II) 195
Karomana (5) (consort of Takelot
II) 195
Karomana (6) (consort of
Shoshenq IV) 195
kaservant 195
Kashta 195
Kassites 195
Kawit (1) (fl. 24th century B.C.E.)
Kawit (2) (fl. 21st century B.C.E.)
Kay 196
Kebawet 196
Kebir 196
“Keeper of the Door to the South”
Kemanweb 196
Kemenibu 196
Kem-wer 196
Kemyt 196
Kenamun (1) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 196
Kenamun (2) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 196
kenken-ur 197
Keper 197
Kermeh 197
Kewab 197
Kha 197
Kha’ba 197
Khababash 197
Khabrias 197–198
Kha’emhet 198
Kha’emweset (1) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 198
Kha’emweset (2) (fl. 12th century
B.C.E.) 198
Khafre 48, 198
Khaftet-hir-nebes 198
khaibit 198
Khakheperresonbe’s Complaints
Khama’at 199
Khamerernebty (1) (consort of
Khafre) 199
Khamerernebty (2) (daughter of
Khafre) 199
Khamet 199
khamsin 199
Khamudi 199
Kharga Oasis 199
Kha’sekhemwy 199–200
khay 200
Khedebneitheret 200

Index 453
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