Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Khemsit 200
Khendjer 200
Khenemsu 200
Khensuhotep 200
Khentakawes (1) (daughter of
Prince Djedefhor’) 200
Khentakawes (2) (consort of
Kakai) 200–201
Khentemsemti 201
Khentetka 201
Khentiamentiu 201
Khentikus 201
Khenut 201
Kheper 201
khepesh 201
khert-neter 201
Kheruef 201
Khesuwer 201
Khety I 201–202
Khety II 202
Khety III 202
Khian 202
Khnum 202
Khnumhotep (1) (nomarch of
Beni Hasan) 202
Khnumhotep (2) (grandson of
Khnumhotep [1]) 202
Khnumhotep (3) (son of
Khnumhotep [2]) 203
Khnumt 203
Khokha 203
Khons (1) (deity) 203
Khons (2) (fl. 13th century B.C.E.)
Khufu 203,203–204See also
Great Pyramid
Khufu and the Magicians, Tale of
Khunianupu 204
Khusebek 204
Khuy 204
Kia 191
King Lists 204–205
kites(1) (goddesses) 205
kites(2) (professional mourners)
Kiya 205
Kleomenes 205
knots 205
kohl 205
Kom Aushim 205
Kom Dara 205
Kom el-Haten 205
Kom Medinet Ghurob 205–206
Kom Ombo 206–207, 206 m
Konosso 207
Koptos 207
Koptos Decree 207
Korosko 207
Kula, el- 207
Kurgus 207
Kurigalzu (1) (king of Kassite
Bablyon during ’Amarna Period
of Egypt) 207
Kurigalzu (2) (king of Kassite
Bablyon in the reign of
Akhenaten) 207
Kuser 207
kyphi 207

Lab’ayu 208
Labyrinth 208
ladder 208
Ladice 208
Lagus 208
Lahun, el- 208–209
lake, sacred 350
Lake of Fire 209
Lake of Flowers 209
lakes 209
Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys
Land of the Bow 209
language 209–211, 210
Hieroglyphic Egyptian 210–211
Late Egyptian 210
Middle Egyptian 209–210
Old Egyptian 209
Lansing Papyrus 211
lapis lazuli 211
Late Egyptian (language) 210
Late Period 123
art/architecture 53
dynasties 107–108
dynasty histories 112–113
military 247
queens 327
social evolution 384
Late Predynastic Period 47–48,
Lateran Obelisk 211
Layer Pyramid 211
Lay of the Harper 211
legal system 211–212
Abbott Papyrus 3
Edict of Horemhab 171
exemption decrees 134
extradition 134
legal texts 217
Salt Papyrus 352
Wilbour Papyrus 432
Leontopolis 212
lettuce 212
libraries 212
Library of Alexandria 212–213
Libya 213
Libyan Desert213–214
Libyan Palette 214
Lighthouse of Alexandria 214
Lily Lake 214
linen 76, 214
“Linen of Yesterday” 214–215
lion 215
Lions of Sebua 215
Lisht, el- 215
List of Offerings 215
Litanies of Sokar 215
Litany of Osiris38, 215
Litany of Ré 215
Litany of the Sun 216
literature 216–217
Aristophanes of Byzantium 45
Bata (2) 66
didactic 217 See alsodidactic
fantastic 217 See alsofantastic
legal 217

poetry 217 See alsopoetic
religious 216 See alsoreligious
scientific 216–217 See also
scientific texts
Liturgy of the Funerary Offerings
London Papyrus 218
lotus 218
Luxor 218,218–220, 219 m
Lysimachus 220
Ma’adi 221
Ma’ahes 221
Ma’at 221
Ma’at Hornefruré 222
Ma’atkaré (1) (God’s Wife of
Amun) 222
Ma’atkaré (2) (consort of
Shoshenq I) 222
Ma’atkaré (3) (consort of Osorkon
I) 222
Ma’atkaré (4) (consort of Osorkon
II) 222
Ma’atkaré (5) (Queen-Pharaoh
Hatshepsut) 222
ma’at kheru222–223
macehead 223
Mafdet 223
Magas 223
magat 223
magic 223–224
magical dream interpretation 224
magical lullaby 224
Magnates of the Southern Ten
Mahipré 224
Mahu 224–225
Mai 225
Malik 225
Malkata 225
Mallawi 225
mammisi 225
Mandet 225
Mandulis 225
Manetho 225–226
Manethon 226
Manetho’s King List 226
Mansion of Isden 226
Alexandria 23m
Bekhen Quarry Map 68
Buhen 74m
Deir el-Bahri 97m
Egypt 116m, 124 m
Egypt and the East 124m
Egypt under the Ptolemies, c.
250 B.C.E. 314m
Giza 146m
Karnak 194m
Kom Ombo 206m
Luxor, temple complex at 219m
natural resources 129m
sacred sites of Egypt, c. 2600
B.C.E. to 300 C.E. 400m
Sobek and Heroeris, Temple of
206 m

temples 400m
Turin Mining Papyrus 413
Valley of the Kings 423m
Mareotis 226
marriage 226–227
Masaharta 227
Masara 227
Masara Stela 227
mastabas 227–228
Mastabat el-Fara’un 228
Matarriyah, el- 228
Euclid 134
Pythagoras 323
Rhind Papyrus 345
Matit 228
Mau (1) (Mafdet) (feline deity,
aided Ré in journey through
Underworld) 228
Mau (2) (feline deity, resided in
Persea Tree) 228
mau (3) (Egyptian cat) 228
Mau-Taui 228
Maxims of Ani 228
Maxims of Ptah-hotep 228
Maya 228–229
Mayer B Papyrus 229
“May My Name Prosper” 229
“May the King Make an Offering”
Mazeus 229
Mazghuna 229
measures SeeWeights and mea-
Medamud, Nag el- 229–230
Medes 230
medicine 230–231
Beatty Papyrus IV, Chester
Berlin Papyri 70
Ebers Papyrus 114
Edwin Smith Papyrus 115
Hearst Papyrus 162
Herophilus of Chalcedon
Hesira 168
Imhotep 178
Kahun Papyrus 191
natron 262
Ramesseum Papyri 339
Smith Papyrus, Edwin 378
Medinet Habu 231–232, 232
Medinet Habu Calendar 232
Medir 233
Medjay 233
Megabyzus 233
Megiddo, Ar- 233
Mehen 234
Mehu 234
Mehurt 234
Mehweret, Sages of 350
Mehy 234
Meidum 234
Meir 234
mekes 234
Meket-Aten 234
Meketré 235
Mekhenet 235
Mekhtemweskhet (1) (consort of
Shoshenq) 235

454 Index

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