Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Mekhtemweskhet (2) (consort of
Psammetichus I) 235
Mekhtemweskhet (3) (consort of
Necho II) 235
Memmius, Lucius 235
Memnomium 235
Memphis 235–236
menat(1) (amulet) 236
menat(2) (virility/fertility fetish)
Mendes 236
Mendes, Ram of 339
Menet-Khufu 236
Menhet 236
Menkauhor 236
Menkauré 236–237
Menkhaf 237
Menkheperresenb (1) (fl. 15th
century B.C.E.) 237
Menkheperresenb (2) (fl. 11th
century B.C.E.) 237
Menna 237
Menouthis 237
Mentjuhotep 237
Mentuemhat 237–238
Mentuemzaf 238
Menyu 238
Menzala 238
Merenptah 238
Merenré (II) (Antiemdjaf) 239
Merenré I (Nemtyemzaf)
Mereruka 239
Meresger (1) (cobra goddess)
Meresger (2) (fl. 19th century
B.C.E.) 239
Meri 239
Merikaré 239
Merimda Beni Salama 239
Merit (1) (fl. 14th century B.C.E.)
Merit (2) (goddess) 240
Meritites (1) (fl. 26th century
B.C.E.) 240
Meritites (2) (fl. 23rd century
B.C.E.) 240
merkhet 240
Merneith (1) (fl. 29th century
B.C.E.) 240
Merneith (2) (fl. 28th century
B.C.E.) 240
Meroë 240
Mersa Matruh 240
Meryamen 240
Meryatum (1) (royal woman of
Nineteenth Dynasty) 241
Meryatum (2) (royal priest of Ré
of the Nineteenth Dynasty)
Meryatum (3) (royal priest of Ré
of the Twentieth Dynasty)
Meryet (1) (consort of Senwosret
III) 241
Meryet (2) (consort of
Amenemhet II) 241
Merymose 241
Merynénefer 241
Meryptah 241

Meryré (1) (high priest of Aten)
Meryré (2) (son of Meryré [1])
Meryré (3) (prince of Nineteenth
Dynasty) 241
Merysankh (1) (consort of Huni)
Merysankh (2) (daughter of
Khufu) 242
Merysankh (3) (consort of
Khafre) 242
Meryt-Amun (1) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 242
Meryt-Amun (2) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 242
Meryt-Amun (3) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 242
Meryt-Amun (prince of the
Nineteenth Dynasty) 242
Meryt-Atum 242
Meryt-Ré-Hatshepsut 242
Meseket 242
Mesentiu 242–243
mesenty 243
Meshwesh 243
meska 243
Meskhent 243
Messuy 243
mesu-heru 243
mesut 243
Methen 243
Middle Egyptian (language)
Middle Kingdom Period 120–121
art/architecture 50–51
dynasty histories 110
military 245–246
queens 327
social evolution 381–383, 382
Migdol (1) (site near Tcharu) 243
migdol(2) (style of fortress) 243
“Mighty Bull Appearing in
Thebes” 243–244
Miliku 244
military 244–248,245, 247
Early Dynastic Period 244
First Intermediate Period 245
Greco-Roman Period 247
Late Period 247
Middle Kingdom 245–246
New Kingdom 246–247
Old Kingdom 244–245
Predynastic Period 244
Second Intermediate Period
Third Intermediate Period
Min (1) (fertility god) 248
Min (2) (fl. 15th century B.C.E.)
minerals Seenatural resources
Minkhaf 248
Min-Nakhte 248
Mirgissa 248
Mitannis 248
Mit Rahinah 248–249
Mitry 249
Mi-wer 249
Mnevis 249

Moalla, el- 249
Moeris, Lake 249
Mokattem 249
Momemphis 249
months 249–250
Montu 250
Montuhirkhopshef (1) (fl. 15th
century B.C.E.) 250
Montuhirkhopshef (2) (son of
Ramesses III) 250
Montuhirkhopshef (3) (son of
Ramesses IX) 250
Montuhotep 250
Montuhotep I 250
Montuhotep II 250–251
Montuhotep II’s army 251
Montuhotep III 251
Montuhotep IV 251
mortuary rituals 251–256,
252–255, 254, 256
A’aru 2
Amenti 33
amulet 35
aut 60
bahouse 62
canopic jars 79–80
cartonnage 80
cenotaphs 81
coffins 85
eternity 133–134
execration 134
false door 136
genitals 145
“go to one’ska” 153
Ibu 177
Imsety 178
jackal 187
ka 189
kaservant 195
kites(2) 205
“Linen of Yesterday” 214–215
List of Offerings 215
Liturgy of the Funerary
magat 223
mastabas 227–228
Muu Dancers 258
natron 262
Negative Confessions 272
neterui 276
net spells 276
onions 287
Oriris 289–290
paddle dolls 293
pa duat 293
Pega 298
posesh-khef 309
pyramid 320–323
Pyramid Texts 323
qas 324
reserve heads 344–345
rising sun 345
sah 350
sarcophagus 353–354
sekhem(4) 359
shebyu 370
tekenu 397

tomb 408
tomb balls 408–409
ur-heka 420
valley temples 424
wabt 427
mortuary temples 256
kaservant 195
of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
serdab 365
mortuary texts See alsoTomb
Am Duat 25
ancestor cult letters 37
Ani Papyrus 38
Book of the Dead 72
Coffin Texts 85–86
Lay of the Harper 211
List of Offerings 215
Litanies of Sokar 215
Litany of Osiris 215
Litany of Ré 215
Litany of the Sun 216
Liturgy of the Funerary
Nebseni Papyrus 264
recensions 341
Mound of the Pharaohs 256
“Ginger” 145
mortuary rituals 252–255
onions 287
per-nefer 301
pillow amulet 307
Records of Restorations of
Royal Mummies 341
sarcophagus 353–354
Tut’ankhamun 414
mummy caches 256–257
Mursilis I 257
Mursilis II 257
music/musicians 376
clapper 83
magical lullaby 224
musical instruments 257
Neferhotep (1) 267
Mut 257–258
Mutemwiya 258
Mutnodjmet (1) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 258
Mutnodjmet (2) (fl. 10th century
B.C.E.) 258
Mutnofret (1) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 258
Mutnofret (2) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 258
Muu Dancers 258
Muwatallis 258–259
Muyet 259
myrrh 259
Mysteries of Osiris and Isis 259
mystical sites 400m
A’aru 2
Amenti 33
Bakhau 64
Chemmis 82
Island of Trampling 184
Judgment Halls of Osiris
Lake of Fire 209

Index 455
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