Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

meska 243
neb(1) 263
netcher 276
obelisks 285,285–286
phoenix 307
Ré, Eye of 340
rising sun 345
sa-ankh 349
semktet 360
shebyu 370
solar disk 386
soul bird 386
steps 389
sun’s eye 390
tetu 402
theophanies 404
thet 404
Two Fingers 418
wadjet 429
religious texts 216
Building Text 75
Coffin Texts 85–86
Khensuhotep 200
Overthrowing Apophis 292
Pyramid Texts 323
Sacred Book of the Temple
ren 344
Re’neb 344
Renenet 344
Renni 344
Renpet (1) (goddess) 344
renpet(2) (hieroglyph) 344
Reportof Wenamun 430
reptile charmer 344
reptiles, sacred 151
auta 60
crocodile 89
frog 142
Heket 164
Ichneumon 177
Meresger (1) 239
Renenet 344
Soknoknonneus 385
Wadjet 429
Reputneb 344
Repyt 344
reserve heads 344–345
Reshef 345
resources, natural Seenatural
Restoration Stela 345
resurrection 345
Ret 345
Rhind Papyrus 345
Rib-Hadda 345
rishi pattern 345
rising sun 345
Rite of the House of Morning 345
rituals 345–346
coronation 87
mortuary Seemortuary rituals
temple 398–399
riverbeds SeeWadi
River of Heaven 346
Roau 346
Rodis 346
Rome 346
romis 346

ropes 347
Roset 347
Rosetta Stone 347
Roy (1) (fl. 15th century B.C.E.)
Roy (2) (fl. 13th century B.C.E.)
royal cults 347
royal names 347–348
Royal Wadi 348
Ruaben 348
Rudamon 348
Rudjek 348
Ruia 348
sa 349
sa-ankh 349
Sabef 349
Sabni 349
Sabu, Ibebi 349
Sabu, Thety 349–350
sacred animals Seeanimals, sacred
sacred birds Seebirds, sacred
Sacred Book of the Temple 350
sacred fish Seefish, sacred
sacred insects Seeinsects, sacred
sacred lake 350
sacred reptiles Seereptiles, sacred
sacred sites Seemystical sites
sacred trees Seetrees, sacred
Sadeh 350
“saff” tombs 350
Sages of Mehweret 350
sah 350
Sahathor (1) (fl. c. 1730 B.C.E.)
Sahathor (2) (fl. 19th century
B.C.E.) 350
Sahuré 350–351
St. Petersburg Papyrus 351
Sais 351
sakieh 351
Salamis 351
Salamuni 351
Sal Island 351
Salitis 351
Sallier Papyri 351
Salt Papyrus 352
Samto-wetefnakht 352
Sanctuary of Ptah 352
Saqqara 352–353, 353
Saqqara Table 353
sarcophagus 353–354, 354
rishi pattern 345
sard 354–355
Sarenput 355
Sasobek 355
Satet 355
Satire on Trades 355
Satirical Papyrus 355
Satkamose 355
Satrap Stela 355
sboyet 355
scarab 356
scepter 356
Adda Stone 9
Aristophanes of Byzantium 45
libraries 212

Library of Alexandria
Per-Ankh 300
Rosetta Stone 347
Satire on Trades 355
School Boy Texts 356
science See alsoastronomy;
Strato 390
Thales 402
scientific texts
Ebers Papyrus 114
literature 216–217
Smith Papyrus, Edwin 378
scorpion 356
Scorpion I 356
scribe 356–357
Sea Peoples 357
seasons 357
akhet(1) 19
proyet 311
shomu 372
Seat of the First Occasion 357
Sebennytos 358
Sebu’a, el- 358
Sebua, Lions of 215
Second Intermediate Period 121
dynasty histories 110–111
military 246
social evolution 383
sed 358
sedge 358
Sefer-t 358
Segerseni 358
Sehel, Canal of 79
Sehel Island 358
Sehetepibré 358–359
Seila 359
Sekhaen-Ré 359
sekhem(1) (vital force of a
human) 359
sekhem(2) (powers of a deity)
sekhem(3) (royal acts) 359
sekhem(4) (magical powers in
mortuary rituals) 359
Sekhem-kha 359
Sekhemkharé 359
Sekhemkhet 359
Sekhemré-Wahkhau Rahotep 360
Sekhet-A’aru 360
Sekhmet 360
Seleucus I Nicator 360
Selket 360
sema 360
Semerkhet 360
semktet 360
Semna 360–361
Se’n Ba Stela 361
Sendjemib 361
Sendji 361
Senebsen 361
Senebtisy 361
Senedjim 361
Senenmen 361
Senenmut 361–362
Senheb 362
Senisonbe 362
Sennacherib 362

Sennufer 362
Sennuwy 362
Sentseneb 362
senut 362
Senwosret-ankh 364
Senwosret I 362–363, 363
Senwosret II 363
Senwosret III 363–364, 364
sepat 364
Sept 365
Serabit el-Khadim 365
Serapeum (1) (in Saqqara) 365
Serapeum (2) (in Alexandria)
Serapis 365
serdab 365
serekh(1) (building) 365
serekh(2) (symbol) 365
serpent’s head 365
Servants of the Place of Truth 366
Seshat 366
Sesheshet 366
Seshi 366
Set 366
Set, Followers of 139
Set Amentet 366
Setau 367
Sethirkhopshef (1) (fl. 13th centu-
ry B.C.E.) 367
Sethirkhopshef (2) (fl. 12th centu-
ry B.C.E.) 367
Sethnakhte 367
Seti 367
Seti I 367–368, 368
Seti II 368
Setka 368
Setna Khamwas (1) (fl. 13th cen-
tury B.C.E.) 368
Setna Khamwas (2) (fictional
character) 368–369
Set-Qesu 369
Seven Hathors 369
Sewew 369
Sha’at-er-Regal 369
Shabaka 369
Shabaka Stone 369
shabtis 369,369–370
shaduf 370
Shai 370
Shalmaneser III 370
Shat en Sebau 370
Shebitku 370
shebyu 370
Shed 370
She-dou 370
Shedsunefertum 371
Sheikh Abd’ el-Qurna 371
Sheikh Said 371
shemau 371
Shemay 371
shena 371
shendyt 371
shennu 371
Shepenwepet (1) (fl.eighth centu-
ry B.C.E.) 371
Shepenwepet (2) (fl. seventh cen-
tury B.C.E.) 371
Shepherds, Tale of the 394
Shepseskaré 372
Shepseskhaf 372

460 Index

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