Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Sherden Pirates 372
Shere 372
Sheshi (1) (Mayebré) 372
Sheshi (2) (Ankh-ma-hor) 39
Sheshmu 372
Shesmetet 372
sheta 372
Shipwrecked Sailor, Tale of the 394
shomu 372
Shoshenq I 372–373
Shoshenq II 373
Shoshenq III 373
Shoshenq IV 373
Shoshenq V 373
Shu 373
Shunet el-Zabib 373
Shuta 373
Shuwardata 374
sia 374
Siamun (1) (d. 959 B.C.E.) 374
Siamun (2) (fl. 16th century
B.C.E.) 374
Sihathor 374
Simonthu 374
Sinai 374–375
Sinai Inscriptions 375
Sinuhe the Sailor 375
Siptah 375–376
Sirenput (1) (military governor
under Senwosret I) 376
Sirenput (2) (military governor
under Amenemhet II) 376
Sisatet 376
sistrum 376
Sitamon 376
Sitamun (1) (fl. 16th century
B.C.E.) 376
Sitamun (2) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 376
sites, mystical Seemystical sites
Sit-Hathor 376
Sit-Hathor Meryt 376
Sit-Hathor Yunet 376
Sitiah 377
Sit-Kamose 377
Sitré 377
Sit-Sheryet 377
Sit-Weret 377
Siwa 377
sma 377
sma-tawy 377
Smendes (1) (d. 1044 B.C.E.) 377
Smendes (2) (fl. 11th century
B.C.E.) 378
Smenkharé 378
Sment 378
Smith Papyrus, Edwin 115, 378
Snefru 378
Sobek 378–379
Sobek and Heroeris, Temple of
206 m
Sobekemsaf 379
Sobekemsaf I 379
Sobekemsaf II 379
Sobekhirkhab 379
Sobekhotep 379
Sobekhotep I 379
Sobekhotep II 379
Sobekhotep III 379
Sobekhotep IV 379

Sobekhotep V 379
Sobek-khu-Za’a 379–380
Sobekneferu 380
Sobek-shedty-neferu 380
social evolution in Egypt
380–385,382, 383
Early Dynastic Period
First Intermediate Kingdom
Period 381
Greco-Roman Period 385
Late Period 384
Middle Kingdom Period
381–383, 382
New Kingdom Period 383
Old Kingdom Period 381
Predynastic Period 380
Second Intermediate Kingdom
Period 383
Third Intermediate Kingdom
Period 383–384
Sokar 385
Sokar, Litanies of 215
Sokar Boat 385
Soknoknonneus 385
solar boat 385
solar cult 385–386
solar disk 386
Soleb 386
Sonebi 386
Sopdu 386
Sostratus of Cnidus 386
Sothic Cycle 386
Sothic Rising 386
soul bird 386
soul houses 387
Souls of Nekhen 387
Souls of Pe 387
speos 387
Speos Anubis 387
Speos Artemidos 387
Speos of Hathor 387
sphinx 387–388
Giza 147
spirit boat 188
“Sponge-cake Shrine” 388
stations of the gods 388
stela 388
Athribis 59
Bentresh 69
Donation 388
Famine 136
Inventory 181
Masara 227
Restoration 345
Satrap 355
Se’n Ba 361
Tanis 395
Victory 425
Stela of Donation 388
Step Pyramid 178, 320, 388–389,
steps 389
stories Seefantastic tales
Strabo 389
Strato 390
sun boat 390
sun’s eye 390
sun’s well 390
sun temple of Izi at Abusir 6

Suppiluliumas I 390
surveying 67
Sutekh 390
Sweet Water Canal 390
sycamore 390
symbols, religious Seereligious
Syrian Wars 390–391
Ta’a 392
Ta’apenes 392
Tabiry 392
Tadukhipa 392
Taharqa 392–393
Tait 393
Takelot I 393
Takelot II 393
Takelot III 393
Takhat (1) (fl. 13th century B.C.E.)
Takhat (2) (fl. 12th century B.C.E.)
Takhat (3) (fl. 6th century B.C.E.)
Takheredeneset 393
Tale of Khufu and the Magicians
Tale of Prince Setna 394
Tale of the Doomed Prince 394
Tale of the Shepherds 394
Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Tale of Two Brothers66, 394
Tamara 394
Tanis 394–395
Tanis Sphinxes 395
Tanis Stela 395
Tanqur 395
Tantamun (1) (consort of
Ramesses XI) 395
Tantamun (2) (consort of
Smendes) 395
Tanutamun 395
Ta’o I 395
Ta’o II 396
Taramsa 396
Tarif, el- 396
Tarkhan 396
Tarset 396
Tasedkhonsu 396
Tatenen 396
Tawaret 396
Tcharu 396–397
Tchay 397
Teachings of Tuaf 397
Tebtynis 397
Tefibi 397
Tefnakhte 397
Tefnut 397
Tehenu 397
tekenu 397
Tekhenu-Aten, District of 101
Tell el-Dab’a 397–398
Tell el-Habua 398
Tell el-Rub’a 398
Tell el-Yahudiyeh 398
Tell Ibrahim Awad 398
Tem (1) (solar deity) 398

Tem (2) (fl. 21st century B.C.E.)
Temeh 398
temple models 398, 398
temple rituals 398–399
temples 399–401, 399 t, 400 m,
Tendunyas 401
Tentamopet 401
Tentopet 401
Tentsai 401
Teo 401
Teos 401
Terenuthis 401
Teti (1) (fl. 25th century B.C.E.)
Teti (2) (fl. 16th century B.C.E.)
Teti (Seheptawy) 402
Tetiky 402
Tetisheri 402
tetu 402
byssys 76
linen 214
texts See alsoliterature
Building Text 75
coffin 85–86
didactic Seedidactic texts
legal 217
mathematical 345
mortuary Seemortuary texts
mythological 87
poetic Seepoetic texts
prophetic 269
pyramid SeePyramid Texts
religious Seereligious texts
School Boy Texts 356
scientific Seescientific texts
Tomb Texts SeeTomb Texts
Tey 402
Thales 402
Thaneni 402–403
Thebes 195,403,403–404
Theocritus 404
theophanies 404
Theshen 404
thet 404
Thethi 404
Thinis 405
Thinite Period 405
Third Intermediate Period
122–123, 327
art/architecture 53
dynasties 107
dynasty histories 111–112
military 247
queens 327
social evolution 383–384
Thoth 405
Thoth, Book of 405
Thuity 405
Thunany 406
Thuré 406
Thuthotep 406
Ti 406
Tia (1) (daughter of Seti I) 406
Tia (2) (consort of Amenmesses)
“Time of the Gods” 406

Index 461
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