Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Timotheus 406–407
Timsah 407
Titi 407
Tiye (1) (fl. 14th century B.C.E.)
Tiye (2) (fl. 12th century B.C.E.)
Tiye (3) (fl. 11th century B.C.E.)
Tiye-Mereniset 407
Tjel 407
Tjemehu 407
Tjet 407
Tjueneroy 407–408
Tlepolemus 408
Tod 408
Tod Treasures 408
tomb 408,409, 410
false door 136
Foundation Deposits 141
funerary cones 142
mastabas 227–228
Oriris beds 290
pa duat 293
Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figurines
“saff” tombs 350
serdab 365
Servants of the Place of Truth
soul bird 386
soul houses 387
tomb balls 408–409
Tomb of the Birds 409
Tomb of the Warriors 409
Tombos 409
Tomb Robbery Trial 409–410
tomb sites
Halwan 156
“Hanging Tomb” 156–157
Hawara 162
Hawawish 162
Tomb texts 410–411See also
mortuary texts
Book of Caverns 72
Coffin Texts 85–86
Tomb Workers’ Revolt 411
Tract of Ré 411
trade 141, 411–412
Travels of An Egyptian 412
Tree of Heaven 412

trees, sacred
gods and goddesses 152
sycamore 390
Tschesertep 412
Tuaf, Teachings of 397
Tudhaliyas IV 413
Tumas 413
Tuna el-Gebel 413
Tureh, el- 413
Turin Canon 413
Turin Mining Papyrus 413
Tushratta 413
Tut’ankhamun 413–414
Tuthmosis 414
Tuthmosis I 414–415
Tuthmosis II 415
Tuthmosis III 415–416, 417
Tuthmosis III’s Hymn of Victory
Tuthmosis III’s Instructions to His
Vizier 416
Tuthmosis III’s Military
Campaigns 416–417
Tuthmosis III’s Nubian Animals
Tuthmosis IV 417–418
Tuthmossid Period 51–52
Tutu 418
Tuya 418
Twin Souls 418
Two Brothers, Tale of 394
Two Companions of the Sacred
Heart 418
Two Dog Palette 418
Two Fingers 418
Two Ladies 418
Twosret 418
Typhonean Animal 418
uatcht 419
Uat-Ur 419
Uben 419
Udjaharresnet 419
Udjashu 419
Uer-khorphemtiu 419
Uer-Ma’a 419
Ukh-hotep 419–420
Umm el-Ga’ab 420
Unis 420
Unu 420

uraeus 420
ur-heka 420
Ur-hiya 420
Uronarti 420–421
Userhet (1) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 421
Userhet (2) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 421
Userhet (3) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 421
Userhet-amun 421
Userkaré 421
Userkhaf 421
Ushanahuru 421
Valley Festival 422
Valley of the Gilded Mummies
Valley of the Kings 422–424,
423 m
Valley of the Queens 424
valley temples 424
vessels, mystical Seemystical ves-
viceroy 424–425
Victory Stela 425
Vidaranag 425
Vindab Papyrus 3873 425
vizier 425–426
Votaresses of Karnak 426
vulture 426
Wa 427
wabt 427
wadi 427–429
wadjet(amulet) 429
Wadjet (cobra deity) 428
Wadjkaré 429
Wadjmose 429
Wall of the Prince 429
waret 429
waterfowl 12
Waters of Ré 429
Waty 429
Wawat 429
Wayheset 429
Way of Horus 430
Way of the Sea 430
Wedjebten 430
Wegaf 430

weights and measures 95, 430
Wenamun 430
Wendjebaendjeb 430
Weneg 430
Weni 430–431
Wenut 431
Wepemnofret 431
Wepwawet 431
Wereret 431
Weret 431
Weret-Imtes 431
Wersu 431
Westcar Papyrus 431
Western Waters 431–432
Westptah 432
White Chapel 432
Wiay 432
Widia 432
Wilbour Papyrus 432
Window of Appearance 432
Woman of Tell Halif 432
women’s role 432–433, 433
writing Seehieroglyphs; ostraka;
papyrus; texts
“writing from the god himself”
writings Seeliterature
Xerxes I 434
Xois 434
Yakoba’am 435
Yam 435
Yanhamu 435
Yapahu 435
Yaqub-Hor 435
Yerdjet 435
Yewelot 435
Yuf 435
Yuny 436
Yuti 436
Yuya and Thuya 436
Zannanza 437
Zatatna 437
Zawiet el-Amwat 437
Zawiet el-Aryan 437
Zenodotus 437
Zenon 437–438

462 Index

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