Microsoft Word - Cengel and Boles TOC _2-03-05_.doc

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  • When supersonic flow impinges on a blunt body—a body withouta
    sharply pointed nose, the wedge half-angle dat the nose is 90°, and an
    attached oblique shock cannot exist, regardless of Mach number. In fact,
    a detached oblique shock occurs in front of allsuch blunt-nosed bodies,
    whether two-dimensional, axisymmetric, or fully three-dimensional. For
    example, a detached oblique shock is seen in front of the space shuttle
    model in Fig. 17–36 and in front of a sphere in Fig. 17–44.

  • While uis a unique function of Ma 1 and bfor a given value of k, there are
    twopossible values of bfor uumax. The dashed black line in Fig. 17–41
    passes through the locus of umaxvalues, dividing the shocks into weak
    oblique shocks(the smaller value of b) and strong oblique shocks(the
    larger value of b). At a given value of u, the weak shock is more common
    and is “preferred” by the flow unless the downstream pressure conditions
    are high enough for the formation of a strong shock.

  • For a given upstream Mach number Ma 1 , there is a unique value of ufor
    which the downstream Mach number Ma 2 is exactly 1. The dashed gray
    line in Fig. 17–41 passes through the locus of values where Ma 2 1.
    To the left of this line, Ma 2 1, and to the right of this line, Ma 2 1.
    Downstream sonic conditions occur on the weak shock side of the plot,
    with uvery close to umax. Thus, the flow downstream of a strong oblique
    shock is always subsonic(Ma 2 1). The flow downstream of a weak
    oblique shock remains supersonic, except for a narrow range of ujust
    below umax, where it is subsonic, although it is still called a weak
    oblique shock.

  • As the upstream Mach number approaches infinity, straight oblique
    shocks become possible for any bbetween 0 and 90°, but the maximum
    possible turning angle for k1.4 (air) is umax45.6°, which occurs at b
    67.8°. Straight oblique shocks with turning angles above this value of
    umaxare not possible, regardless of the Mach number.

  • For a given value of upstream Mach number, there are two shock angles
    where there is no turning of the flow(u0°): the strong case,b90°,

Chapter 17 | 855

b, degrees

u, degrees

Ma 2  1

Ma 2  1

Ma 1 →

u  umax




10 5 3 2 1.5

60 70 80 90








Ma 2  1

FIGURE 17–41
The dependence of straight oblique
shock deflection angle uon shock
angle bfor several values of upstream
Mach number Ma 1. Calculations are
for an ideal gas with k1.4. The
dashed black line connects points of
maximum deflection angle (uumax).
Weak oblique shocksare to the left of
this line, while strong oblique shocks
are to the right of this line. The dashed
gray line connects points where the
downstream Mach number is sonic
(Ma 2 1). Supersonic downstream
flow(Ma 2 1) is to the left of this
line, while subsonic downstream flow
(Ma 2 1) is to the right of this line.

Ma 1


d  umax

FIGURE 17–42
A detached oblique shockoccurs
upstream of a two-dimensional wedge
of half-angle dwhen dis greater than
the maximum possible deflection
angle u. A shock of this kind is called
a bow wavebecause of its
resemblance to the water wave that
forms at the bow of a ship.

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