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where we must be careful to measure the angle relative to the newdirection
of flow downstream of the expansion, namely, parallel to the upper wall of
the wedge in Fig. 17–45 if we neglect the influence of the boundary layer
along the wall. But how do we determine Ma 2? It turns out that the turning
angle uacross the expansion fan can be calculated by integration, making
use of the isentropic flow relationships. For an ideal gas, the result is
(Anderson, 2003),

Turning angle across an expansion fan: (17–48)

where n(Ma) is an angle called the Prandtl–Meyer function(not to be con-
fused with the kinematic viscosity),


Note that n(Ma) is an angle, and can be calculated in either degrees or radi-
ans. Physically,n(Ma) is the angle through which the flow must expand,
starting with n0 at Ma 1, in order to reach a supersonic Mach number,
Ma 1.
To find Ma 2 for known values of Ma 1 ,k, and u, we calculate n(Ma 1 ) from
Eq. 17–49,n(Ma 2 ) from Eq. 17–48, and then Ma 2 from Eq. 17–49, noting
that the last step involves solving an implicit equation for Ma 2. Since there
is no heat transfer or work, and the flow is isentropic through the expansion,
T 0 and P 0 remain constant, and we use the isentropic flow relations derived
previously to calculate other flow properties downstream of the expansion,
such as T 2 ,r 2 , and P 2.
Prandtl–Meyer expansion fans also occur in axisymmetric supersonic
flows, as in the corners and trailing edges of a cone-cylinder (Fig. 17–46).
Some very complex and, to some of us, beautiful interactions involving
both shock waves and expansion waves occur in the supersonic jet pro-
duced by an “overexpanded” nozzle, as in Fig. 17–47. Analysis of such
flows is beyond the scope of the present text; interested readers are referred
to compressible flow textbooks such as Thompson (1972) and Anderson

n 1 Ma 2 

k 1
k 1

tan^1 c

k 1
k 1

1 Ma^2  12 dtan^1 a 2 Ma^2  1 b

un 1 Ma 22 n 1 Ma 12

Chapter 17 | 857

FIGURE 17–46
A cone-cylinder of 12.5 half-angle in
a Mach number 1.84 flow. The
boundary layer becomes turbulent
shortly downstream of the nose,
generating Mach waves that are visible
in this shadowgraph. Expansion waves
are seen at the corners and at the
trailing edge of the cone.
Photo by A. C. Charters, Army Ballistic Research



Ma 1  1

m 1
m 2

Ma 2



FIGURE 17–45
An expansion fan in the upper
portion of the flow formed by a two-
dimensional wedge at the angle of
attack in a supersonic flow. The flow
is turned by angle u, and the Mach
number increases across the expansion
fan. Mach angles upstream and
downstream of the expansion fan are
indicated. Only three expansion waves
are shown for simplicity, but in fact,
there are an infinite number of them.
(An oblique shock is present in the
bottom portion of this flow.)

cen84959_ch17.qxd 4/21/05 11:08 AM Page 857

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