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(ff) #1
except for the narrow Mach number range of Ma 1 in sub-
sonic flow (see Example 17–13). Both temperature and the Mach num-
ber increase with heating in subsonic flow, but Treaches a maximum
Tmaxat Ma  (which is 0.845 for air), and then decreases. It may
seem peculiar that the temperature of a fluid drops as heat is transferred
to it. But this is no more peculiar than the fluid velocity increasing in
the diverging section of a converging–diverging nozzle. The cooling
effect in this region is due to the large increase in the fluid velocity and
the accompanying drop in temperature in accordance with the relation T 0
TV^2 /2cp. Note also that heat rejection in the region Ma 
1 causes the fluid temperature to increase (Fig. 17–53).
5.The momentum equation PKVconstant, where KrVcon-
stant (from the conservation of mass equation), reveals that velocity and
static pressure have opposite trends. Therefore, static pressure
decreases with heat gain in subsonic flow (since velocity and the
Mach number increase), but increases with heat gain in supersonic flow
(since velocity and the Mach number decrease).
6.The continuity equation rVconstant indicates that density and veloc-
ity are inversely proportional. Therefore, density decreases with heat
transfer to the fluid in subsonic flow (since velocity and the Mach num-
ber increase), but increases with heat gain in supersonic flow (since
velocity and the Mach number decrease).
7.On the left half of Fig. 17–52, the lower arm of the Rayleigh line is
steeper (in terms of s as a function of T), which indicates that the
entropy change corresponding to a specified temperature change (and
thus a given amount of heat transfer) is larger in supersonic flow.

The effects of heating and cooling on the properties of Rayleigh flow are
listed in Table 17–3. Note that heating or cooling has opposite effects on most
properties. Also, the stagnation pressure decreases during heating and increases
during cooling regardless of whether the flow is subsonic or supersonic.

1 > 1 k

1 > 1 k

1 > 1 k

Chapter 17 | 863

T 01



T 02  T 01

T 1 T 2  T 1

T 01



T 02  T 01

T 1

T 2  T 1 or
T 2  T 1

FIGURE 17–53
During heating, fluid temperature
always increases if the Rayleigh flow
is supersonic, but the temperature may
actually drop if the flow is subsonic.

TABLE 17–3
The effects of heating and cooling on the properties of Rayleigh flow
Heating Cooling
Property Subsonic Supersonic Subsonic Supersonic

Velocity, V Increase Decrease Decrease Increase
Mach number, Ma Increase Decrease Decrease Increase
Stagnation temperature, T 0 Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
Temperature, T Increase for Ma 1/k1/2 Increase Decrease for Ma 1/k1/2 Decrease
Decrease for Ma 1/k1/2 Increase for Ma 1/k1/2
Density, r Decrease Increase Increase Decrease
Stagnation pressure, P 0 Decrease Decrease Increase Increase
Pressure, P Decrease Increase Increase Decrease
Entropy, s Increase Increase Decrease Decrease

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