Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

CChhaapptteerr 22 :: (^)
TThhee NNuummbbeerr OOnnee HHuummaann KKiilllleerr && (^)
IIttss’’ LLiinnkk WWiitthh GGoouutt (^)
Your body has roughly 60,000 miles of blood vessels and when they start becoming
clogged, they gradually close off. As a vessel closes, blood goes into it more rapidly,
kind of like sludge that developed on the wall of the artery. A typical American male of
25 years of age has already closed 25% of his coronary artery lumen. We eat as much as
40-50% of our calories as fat and where it should have been around 10%. Trim all the fat
from the meat, cook your food properly, broiled away and don’t overheat it as you cook
it. “Well done” will be sufficient in order to remove all the blood. Oxygen capacity is
lesser when the arteries are clogged risking also a stroke. When you reduce fat in your
diet, you will notice your immune system gains more and more strength. So eat no fat
and make sure you eat lean meats. The fats that are the worst are the animal fats that
have cholesterol in them like meat, butter, cheese and milk. Cholesterol is the principal
cause of coronary heart disease and it kills roughly 600,000 people in the US every
year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in
2009 were in men. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease,
killing more than 385,000 people annually. Every year about 935,000 Americans have a
heart attack. Of these, 610,000 are a first heart attack. 325,000 happen in people who
have already had a heart attack according to the United States Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Sadly, many of them suffered from gout too! Coronary heart
disease is not a hereditary disease but a result of bad eating habits, avoid the confusion
that is out there.
When you pass out after you have eaten too much, this is due to eating too much fat.
Not enough oxygen is getting into the brain; again I reiterate to eat more carbohydrates
in your diet. What about polyunsaturated fats such as margarine, corn oil, Crisco,
sunflower oil, coconut oil, palm oil, peanut oil and many others? Although they don’t
cause coronary heart disease that badly, they do cause other diseases like cancer. Just

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