Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

Google the keywords “polyunsaturated fat and cancer” to see the many studies that
consistently show a link between polyunsaturated fats to higher cancer risks. Don’t take
my word for it, check it out for yourself!

The American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association will tell you to
switch from animal fats to vegetable fats to avoid coronary heart disease. This is
completely wrong! Leave both the animal fats and vegetable fats since they both cause
diseases like different types of cancer. While you decrease your risk of coronary heart
disease you also increase your risk of cancer. There’s as high as seven times more cancer
deaths from those who eat polyunsaturated fats compared to those who eat animal fats.
While it’s true that we decrease coronary heart disease by about 10%, but this is not the
right way. What you need to do is to cut your fat intake to 10% of your daily caloric
allowance because this will lower your blood cholesterol within 3 weeks and you will
decrease the risk of heart attack by 50%. Doctors can decrease them with medicines and
diet so that in 3 years, you will have only reduced the risk by 5% to 10%. What do you
want, the truth or the consequences?

Prevention is the key! If we know how to prevent this disease, we are better off than
trying to treat it after we already have it. This is not taking away from your doctor, it is
very important to monitor your health condition but he won’t be able cure you. That
responsibility is yours, although there are some very knowledgeable doctors who know
the true facts but they are rare. Remember they got forced-fed in college to learn a
certain way and not criticize the establishment of PhDs who wrote their textbooks, so
their ignorance is obvious. Also, look at your personal doctor. Does he look like
somebody who watches his health, is your doctor obese, smoke, drink or takes
prescription drugs himself to treat a disease? If yes, you need to find another doctor,
someone who practices what they preach.

The simple road to health is to eat a very low fat diet, exercise regularly and to stop
smoking. Know that smokers are about seven times as apt to develop coronary heart
disease than non-smokers. Going back to carbs, they have barely any fat, they are pure
energy, there are very few waste products and our metabolism burns them clean. They
don’t lay plaques in your arteries like fat so make them 80% of your daily caloric intake.
Yes I am repeating myself but I want to make sure that you engrave the message of this
e-book in your brain.

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