CChhaapptteerr 33 :: (^)
PPrreevveennttiinngg CCaanncceerr - - WWhhaatt YYoouu
SShhoouulldd KKnnooww AAss (^) aa GGoouutt SSuuffffeerreerr (^)
People and medical professionals are confused and research goes out into all directions
but with little to no results. Think of all of the money we donate to different charities,
foundations and hospitals who are looking to develop the latest medication in order to
cure us of our sicknesses.
A study from exercise physiologist Doug Paddon-Jones from the University of Texas
Medical Branch concluded that from an Ironman triathlon competition, eating 4 ounces
of meat a day was adequate to rebuild the muscles that athletes would wear out during
training. The need for more protein is exaggerated particularly in advertisements and
many athletes believed that more protein is better. When we eat too much protein, its’
metabolism produces ammonia, urea and other waste products, that take seven to eight
times more water to flush out through the kidneys than carbohydrates. Consuming too
much meat is also a culprit in gout. Truth is you don’t need too much protein in your
diet, 4 ounces of meat is more than enough, so as a gout sufferer make you sure you cut
it down and eat more fresh carbohydrates.
Animal products are the only ones that have cholesterol in them and are the number
one factor in the development of coronary heart disease. The big mistake is to replace
animal fat with polyunsaturated fat like vegetable oil that will help reduce coronary
heart disease but increases the risk of cancer. It will reduce the risk of coronary heart
disease by 5-10%, but on the other hand, the risk of cancer then goes up to 50-70%—
you are decreasing one disease and increasing another. Beware of processed foods that
use vegetable oil because as they subject the oil to high temperature, they destroy its
value. Stop eating those fried chicken nuggets, French fries, white rice (replace it with
basmati or wild rice instead), potato chips, deli meats. Also, as a very strong concentrate,
fat has 2 ½ times as many calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein.