Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

Breast cancer is caused by dietary fat; Dutch women suffer more cases than any in the
world due to the fact that they eat lots of fat. Japanese women have the lowest since
they eat very little animal fat. Eat more carbohydrates because it burns clean and 20% of
its energy is stored as fat. It metabolizes clean and has very few waste products. Choose
proper foods and your weight will gradually fall and you’ll feel better.

As our body metabolizes fat, one of the waste products produced is estrace. It is a
cancer causing estrogenic hormone that is manufactured and reabsorbed to the body
and targets sex organs like the breast, the uterus, the ovaries and the prostate.All these
different types of cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries and prostate are all caused by
dietary fat. In addition, cancer of the pancreas and several others that we don’t have
scientific proof as of yet, are also caused by dietary fat and with time science will prove
that dietary fat is the villain.

Smoking causes cancer of the lungs. It’s a very bad cancer, 10% of the people who get
this disease survive this cancer over 5 years and it’s completely preventable. If you
smoke a pack a day, your risk of lung cancer is 20 times that of a non-smoker. If you
smoke 2 packs, your risk is 40 times that of a non-smoker, 3 packs 60 times and 4 packs
80 times! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it! Smoking weakens the immune
system by depressing antibodies and cells that protect against foreign invaders. There is
an association between smoking and the increased incidence of certain malignant
diseases and respiratory infections, according to the National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI). There is also a significant decrease in immune cells that normally
help the body but this process can be reversed if a smoker gives up the bad habit. Many
cancer-causing chemicals from cigarette smoke like carbon monoxide travel throughout
the bloodstream and reach the organs of the body, interfere with oxygen levels and
damage the immune response. Less oxygen reaches the brain, heart, muscles and other
organs and lung functions are reduced because of the narrowing of the airways and
presence of excess mucus. Lung irritation and damage result from invading substances
leading to infection. Blood pressure and heart rate are affected negatively by smoking
chemicals carried through the blood. The immune system does not work as well and
smokers become more prone to infections, such as pneumonia and influenza. It takes
smokers longer than nonsmokers to get over illnesses. So butt that cigarette out!
According to the National Fire Protection Association there are about 140,000 smoking-
related fires in the US each year. These fires kill about 900 people and injured more than

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