Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

CChhaapptteerr 55 :: (^)
WWhhaatt FFooooddss CCaann WWee EEaatt IInn AA
GGoouutt DDiieett PPllaann && TToo PPrreevveenntt (^)
OOtthheerr DDiisseeaasseess?? (^)
We hear in the news all the time about health care and Obamacare but have we stopped
to ask if we need more health care? The answer is we do not need more health care; we
just need more health advice.
Remember that cooks are the guardians of your health. They are the ones that stand
between you eating and them preparing and cooking the food. This is a big
responsibility, so watch out who cooks and prepares your meals at home or at any
restaurant you eat at. What I want you to do is to develop your own recipes and start
taking the fat out of your diet. Start by removing 50% of the fat then gradually reduce it
to 75% until you can manage eating with only 10% of your daily calories as fat. Make it a
family thing whereby each member contributes to the meals either by helping the
preparation and cooking or researching and suggesting a new recipe. This e-book has
over 100 recipes to get you started and all the meals are delicious. Now let’s look closely
at a study done by Jim Anderson from the University of Kentucky. What he did was take
20 people under hospital condition and he fed them oatmeal, some everyday for a
period of 3 weeks. He began with people who had blood cholesterol of 280, a very high
blood cholesterol level since the average blood cholesterol level when you have a heart
attack is about 140! He found that the blood cholesterol went down by 13% and if we
equate this with the risk of coronary heart disease, the risk goes down twice as much or
26% in 3 weeks. Then came along another study from Harvard University wiz’s, a
supposed “good” university and basically this research was primarily done to confuse
you or muddy the water. The researcher started with people who had blood cholesterol
of 186 and he fed them oatmeal also and it did nothing for them. This is plain stupid
because their blood cholesterol level was already normal before he started, so there was
no absolute need to have it reduced and obviously it reduced very little! The other study
started with people who had blood cholesterol level of 200 and again it didn’t need

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