decreased risk for colon cancer has been reported in many studies." What is the lesson
we all learned? A high protein diet can kill you; don’t fall for that idiotic Atkins diet or
other stupid fads, be smarter, educate yourself and pat yourself on the back on a job
well-done by purchasing this e-book! I hope this e-book helped you dig in your brain
and take out all the junk information, knowledge and deceptions you have acquired
over the years and filled it up with some good old fashioned common sense.
Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram and remember to eat 80% of your calories as
carbs and you can do fine with even more because it is pure energy. We have learned
from athletes that we increase our endurance by 3 times just by adding a carbohydrate
diet through our exercise regime. The liver and muscles, as we begin to exercise, begin
to store carbs in the form of glycogen (glucose). For immediate energy, as we store this
carb, it then gives you energy and you feel good.
For children less than 2 years of age, do not place fat restrictions on them because
fat provides them with the building blocks for the body particularly that
cholesterol from milk. Do not worry about the fat they eat, after the age of 2, you can
start placing restrictions. Seventy five percent of American children are too fat because
they eat too much junk food. Use common sense and cut back reasonably. Be a good
example on the kitchen table so they can see what you eat and they can do likewise.
Sixty eight percent of children eat too much salt and we don’t need any salt, we need
sodium from the fruits, vegetables and grains that we eat. Many of our children have
high blood cholesterol; about 46% of them have high blood pressure although they are
below 15 years age. Health is the greatest wealth, don’t eat yourself to death but eat for
a healthier you!
Disease is a major factor in the world today. The number one factor is chronic poisoning
from eating too much fat and protein and we are poisoning ourselves. Number two is
malnutrition; eating too much fat and sugar, neither of which has any nutrients in them,
however, they do have many empty calories and they don’t help your immune system
by preventing diseases. Hippocrates, the father of medicine said: “Let your food be thy
medicine and let your medicine be your food.” We haven’t really progressed as much
as we think we have, in spite of our knowledge, we have failed completely in the
prevention of disease! We have learned and pored many dollars on research on how to
handle the problem once it occurs instead of prevention which is the key. Universities