CChhaapptteerr 77 :: (^)
BBiigg PPhhaarrmmaa aanndd tthhee
GGrreeeeddyy FFoooodd CCoommppaanniieess
I added this chapter so you the reader can clearly understand why there is so much
confusion in regards what to and what not to eat, why there is so much contradictory
information about fat, protein, sugar and carbohydrates and how big Pharma and the
greedy food companies all care about is profit. At the end the confusion helps their
bottom line, as long as you don’t know the truth and you get sick, there is profit to be
We have all heard or read of stories involving drug companies and some of the horrible
offences they commit as corporate citizens. On an episode of Dr. Oz aired on May 12,
2011, Dr. Oz interviewed author of “Overdosed America” Dr. John Abramson and author
of the book “Drug Truths” Dr. LaMattina exposing drug companies on what they don’t
want you to know like controlling much of the information your doctor gets about a
drug, how you are often prescribed drugs that you simply don’t need. I have discussed
in this e-book, how drugs target the symptoms and not the actual cause of your health
problem. Beloved, it is only common sense that a drug company’s real purpose is to sell
drugs in order to earn profit for its shareholders, so ethics will take a back seat to greed
and corruption and this is human nature. Furthermore, we are a nation obsessed with
taking pills. For example, with the weight loss drugs Alli and Xenical, there’s an
ingredient called “Orlistat” which the FDA is being pressured to take out of the market.
Orlistat has been linked to severe liver disease, acute pancreatic damage and kidney
Then you have wilder claims as quoted by Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman Director of
PharmedOut that “pharmaceutical companies actually invented specific diseases or
conditions and it’s not only diseases that have been invented, but categories have been
changed. Anytime a disease category is expanded it increases the number of people
who are eligible for drug treatment. Right now much of the prescribing in the United
States is not rational, people are being prescribed drugs where the risks outweigh the