benefits.” You're often prescribed drugs you don’t need. Dr. Oz says that drug
companies are inventing diseases and it’s called disease mongering, hyping up
conditions that really aren’t diseases. You see these in commercials about overactive
bladder, osteopenia, excessive daytime sleepiness etc. They are problems but do they
really need drugs in order to be treated? Dr. Abramson said this is a widespread practice
in the industry, the drug industry’s job is to sell drugs, they get the drugs approved on
the market for an indication that is truly helpful and then broaden the marketing so that
you get to a much greater population of people who are a candidate for the drug.
When it comes to the side effects, many drugs have life threatening risks associated with
them, Dr. Abramson stated: “the drug companies own the data, it’s like their playing
poker and they can see the cards and they don’t have to show it to the doctors, they
don’t have to show it to the consumers, they often don’t even show it to the authors of
the articles – evidence in the journals that doctors trust.” (Now that is scary!) Dr.
Abramson said almost all the information that the doctors have and the consumers have
is coming directly or indirectly from the drug companies. About 85% of clinical trials are
funded by the drug industry and they own the data like Coca-Cola owns the recipe for
Coke. So the doctors don’t understand that they’re getting a selected and filtered
version of what the information is. On the subject of antidepressant medications, Dr.
Abramson said evidence has shown these drugs have increased suicidal thinking in kids
and young adults. So we’re getting no benefit but all risks.
The plain truth is that most prescription drugs are nothing more than a counterfeit of
the same thing offered in nature, as evidenced by the testimony of Dr. Edwin Cooper,
professor at the University of California. He states that several valuable drugs have been
derived from parts of plant and animal sources, including aspirin, anti-cancer agents,
anti-psychotics and antibiotics. For gout sufferers, colchicine is derived from the plant
called Colchicum also known as “autumn crocus” or “meadow saffron”. Yet the big drug
companies, whose profits are reaching historical levels, don't want you to know this for
rather obvious reasons. People taking natural remedies would hit the drug pusher’s
profits hard, but they brought that mistrust on themselves. Excessive drug cost to
consumers is forcing people to look for alternative cures. A case in point; the mysterious
bird flu scare that caused such mass hysteria. The people were scared into seeking the
preventive measure that would inoculate the dreaded symptoms. Do you think the