Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

CChhaapptteerr 88 :: (^)
TThhee IImmppoorrttaannccee ooff EExxeerrcciissee ffoorr
GGoouutt SSuuffffeerreerrss
In today’s time we are not all farmers and that is part of the problem, we don’t have
much activity in our daily work. Most of us sit on a chair for 8 hours and the body part
that gets the most exercise is our fingers! Not to mention straining our eyes staring in
that computer screen all day!
Exercise, where you raise your pulse rate, you burn 100 calories roughly by walking 1
mile. I recommend you walk at a speed that gets you out of breath by walking rapidly.
Our overall death rate goes down by 50% through regular exercise. It’ll help you carry
more oxygen into your cells and it will make major organs of the body work more
efficiently—your heart, brain and your thought process will be improved. Your risk of
dying from coronary heart disease will drop by 60%!!! “I heard that many people die
from exercise” you may ask. It is true that 2% of coronary heart deaths occur during
exercise in the form of a heart attack. But don’t let this deter you; you have to put it in
perspective. Fifty percent of the people who die from heart disease, from that blood clot
that closes off that vessel, are caused while they are sleeping! Are you going to quit
sleeping because of the fact that 50% of people die from heart failure during their
sleep? You see there is no indictment against exercise! Why does this happen while you
are sleeping, doesn’t your heart rest? Yes it’s true but the mechanism is strange. If you
eat a fatty meal topped off with ice cream for dessert, and then go to bed even after 3
hours, as you rest your circulation decreases and the heart slows. You already have a
coronary artery that’s almost closed off—85% of the lumen is closed and the red cells
are sticky, they usually travel through that little hole, one at a time but now 5 of them
are clogging, getting stuck together, they simply can’t get through because they are
sticky and have fat on them. The efficiency in carrying oxygen is cut down by 1/3, so you
are only getting 2/3 of the oxygen, if it gets through. The sludging of the cells, the
plates also become sticky and that causes a blood clot to develop which closes the hole
and no blood gets through at all. If it’s a small vessel you have a minor heart attack, if

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