Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

10 miles daily, this amount is probably more than enough for anyone to lose weight,
especially if nutritious dietary changes also are made (source: http://www.livestrong.com))

In the context of different foods, by eating a hot fudge sundae, you’ll need to walk 4.5
miles to burn it up. A Big Mac? You’ll need to walk 7 miles to burn it off. Lose 5 pounds?
To lose 1 pound of fat is the equivalent of 40 miles walking, running or crawling, you
pick! So it’s not worth it beloved, you really got to work hard if you want to burn that fat
from your body. Why go to such extremes, watch your diet and if you eat a high carb
diet by limiting your fat and protein intake by 10% each, you will lose the weight!

When you exercise, it energizes the whole body! You might say, “Well I’m too old now
to start exercising or to begin eating properly.” We have found with atherosclerosis, that
it totally disappears in 2 years if you don’t eat any fat and it doesn’t make a difference
how old you are when you start. You don’t have to be sick to get better, you don’t
inherit disease from your family genes, you inherit bad habits from your family! The beta
endorphins go up when you exercise, they rev the body up, our body works more
efficiently, we fight disease better and causes us to be a happy people. Exercise is the
natural opiate which gives you a natural high! It will increase the speed at which you
heal from injury, it will decrease the pain you might suffer, it will increase your
pleasurable feelings, it will improve your blood circulation and it will provide better
oxygen supply to all the vital organs making you a more efficient human being. It will
lower uric acid levels that in turn will lessen your gout attacks. Exercise tones your heart
muscle and heart rhythm. Exercise decreases depression, it decreases your appetite, it
increases your fitness, it increases your reflexes and you will look and feel better! It helps
diabetes, it helps your glucose tolerance, it avoids calcium leaving your system and it
prevents osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and
deterioration of bone tissue. This leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture
(broken bones), particularly of the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder. Osteoporosis is often
known as “the silent thief” because bone loss occurs without symptoms. Osteoporosis is
sometimes confused with osteoarthritis, because the names are similar. Osteoporosis is
a bone disease; osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints and surrounding tissue. Fractures
from osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer
combined. At least one in three women and one in five men will suffer from an
osteoporotic fracture during their lifetime. If you like aerobics, research has proven that
this form of exercise really works more than others due to the fact that it stresses your

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