new SingleLinkQueue
Now there is no need for a cast when invoking remove:
String hello = queue.remove();
Nor is it possible to add the wrong kind of element to the queue:
queue.add(25); // INVALID: won't compile
Generic types are invaluable in defining these kind of collection classes, as you'll see in Chapter 21, but they
have uses in many other situations.
11.1. Generic Type Declarations
The declaration of the class Cell
generic class, where the type variable E is known as the type parameter of the generic declaration. When you
use a type name such as Cell
generic type parameter (E), you thereby introduce a parameterized type. This has some similarities to the
method invocation process where declared parameters are given the values of specific arguments, so the use
of a parameterized type such as Cell
A generic type declaration can contain multiple type parameters, separated by commas. For example, the Map
interface (see page 587) defines a generic mapping between keys and values so it is declared as
interfaceMap<K,V>, where K is the type parameter for the key type and V is the type parameter for the
value type.
When you define a generic class, all invocations of that generic class are simply expressions of that one class.
Declaring a variable strCell as Cell
of type Cell
generic type invocations of the one classCellthat are applied in two different ways to two different objects.
The class Cell is known as the raw type corresponding to the generic class declaration Cell
The following code shows quite clearly that there is just one class because the value of same is TRue:
boolean same = (strCell.getClass() == intCell.getClass());
This may seem surprising if you thought that Cell
The use of
information about the type of object being constructed so that the compiler can check that the object is used
correctly. At runtime, no generic type information is present in objects. In the example above, the Cell
object that contains the element "Hello" has no knowledge that it was constructed as a