have become available by the time the invocation occurs.
public abstract voidclose()throws IOException
Closes the stream. This method should be invoked to release any resources
(such as file descriptors) associated with the stream. Once a stream has been
closed, further operations on the stream will throw an IOException.
Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.
The implementation of Reader requires that a subclass provide an implementation of both the read method
that reads into a char array, and the close method. Many subclasses will be able to improve performance if
they also override some of the other methods.
There are a number of differences between Reader and InputStream. With Reader the fundamental
reading method reads into a char array and the other read methods are defined in terms of this method. In
contrast the InputStream class uses the single-byte read method as its fundamental reading method. In
the Reader class subclasses must implement the abstract close method in contrast to inheriting an empty
implementationmany stream classes will at least need to track whether or not they have been closed and so
close will usually need to be overridden. Finally, where InputStream had an available method to
tell you how much data was available to read, Reader simply has a ready method that tells you if there is
any data.
As an example, the following program counts the number of whitespace characters in a character stream:
import java.io.*;
class CountSpace {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException
Reader in;
if (args.length == 0)
in = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
in = new FileReader(args[0]);
int ch;
int total;
int spaces = 0;
for (total = 0; (ch = in.read()) != -1; total++) {
if (Character.isWhitespace((char) ch))
System.out.println(total + " chars, "
- spaces + " spaces");
This program takes a filename from the command line. The variable in represents the character stream. If a
filename is not provided, the standard input stream, System.in, is used after wrapping it in an
InputStreamReader, which converts an input byte stream into an input character stream; if a filename is
provided, an object of type FileReader is created, which is a subclass of Reader.
The for loop counts the total number of characters in the file and the number of spaces, using the
Character class's isWhitespace method to test whether a character is whitespace. At the end, the
results are printed. Here is the output of the program when used on itself:
453 chars, 111 spaces