20.5.10. SequenceInputStream
The SequenceInputStream class creates a single input stream from reading one or more byte input
streams, reading the first stream until its end of input and then reading the next one, and so on through the last
one. SequenceInputStream has two constructors: one for the common case of two input streams that are
provided as the two parameters to the constructor, and the other for an arbitrary number of input streams using
the Enumeration abstraction (described in "Enumeration" on page 617). Enumeration is an interface
that provides an ordered iteration through a list of objects. For SequenceInputStream, the enumeration
should contain only InputStream objects. If it contains anything else, a ClassCastException will be
thrown when the SequenceInputStream TRies to get that object from the list.
The following example program concatenates all its input to create a single output. This program is similar to
a simple version of the UNIX utility catif no files are named, the input is simply forwarded to the output.
Otherwise, the program opens all the files and uses a SequenceInputStream to model them as a single
stream. Then the program writes its input to its output:
import java.io.;
import java.util.;
class Concat {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException
InputStream in; // stream to read characters from
if (args.length == 0) {
in = System.in;
} else {
InputStream fileIn, bufIn;
new ArrayList
for (String arg : args) {
fileIn = new FileInputStream(arg);
bufIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn);
in = new SequenceInputStream(files);
int ch;
while ((ch = in.read()) != -1)
// ...
If there are no parameters, we use System.in for input. If there are parameters, we create an ArrayList
large enough to hold as many BufferedInputStream objects as there are command-line arguments (see
"ArrayList" on page 582). Then we create a stream for each named file and add the stream to the inputs list.
When the loop is finished, we use the Collections class's enumeration method to get an
Enumeration object for the list elements. We use this Enumeration in the constructor for
SequenceInputStream to create a single stream that concatenates all the streams for the files into a
single InputStream object. A simple loop then reads all the bytes from that stream and writes them on
You could instead write your own implementation of Enumeration whose nextElement method creates
a FileInputStream for each argument on demand, closing the previous stream, if any.