Analogous to set(index,elem).
public final voidremoveElementAt(int index)
Analogous to remove(index).
public final booleanremoveElement(Object elem)
Analogous to remove(elem).
public final voidremoveAllElements()
Analogous to clear().
public final EelementAt(int index)
Analogous to get(index).
public final voidcopyInto(Object[] anArray)
No direct analogue; the closest is toArray(Object[]), although
toArray allocates a new array if the array is too small, where copyInto
will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
public final intindexOf(Object elem, int index)
Searches for the first occurrence of elem, beginning the search at index,
and testing for equality using equals. The closest analogue would be to
create a sublist covering the range and use indexOf on the sublist.
public final intlastIndexOf(Object elem, int index)
Searches backward for the last occurrence of elem, beginning the search at
index, and testing for equality using equals. The closest analogue would
be to create a sublist covering the range and use lastIndexOf on the
public final Enumeration
Analogous to iterator(). Equivalent to
public final EfirstElement()
Analogous to get(0).
public final ElastElement()
Analogous to get(size()-1).
public final voidsetSize(int newSize)
No analogue. If newSize is less than the current size, extra data is dropped.
If newSize is larger than the current size, any added elements are null.