William Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part 1
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
John Lehman, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, 19811987
24 Internationalization and Localization 685
Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it.
Tallulah Bankhead
Never speak more clearly than you think
Jeremey Bernstein
25 Standard Packages 715
No unmet needs exist, and current unmet needs that are being met will continue to be met.
Transportation Commission on Unmet Needs, California
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better
idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far the
universe is winning.
Rich Cook
A Application Evolution 741
With every passing hour our solar system comes 43,000 miles closer to globular cluster M13
in the constellation Hercules, and still there are some misfits who continue to insist that there
is no such thing as progress.
Ransom K. Ferm
Things will get better despite our efforts to improve them.
Will Rogers
B Useful Tables 749
How many seconds are there in a year? If I tell you there are 3.155π 107 you won't even try to
remember it. On the other hand, who could forget that, to within half a percent, π seconds is a
-Tom Duff, Bell Labs
Comparing information and knowledge is like asking whether the fatness of a pig is more or
less green than the designated hitter rule.
David Guaspari
Further Reading 755