Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics

(sharon) #1

Lecture Note Differentiation

a. The rate of change of the population with respect to time is the derivative of the
population function. That is,
Rate of change=Px′( )=+ 2 x 20

The rate of change of the population 15 months from now will be

P′( (^15) )=2 15 20 50×+ = people per month
b. The actual change in the population during the 16th month is the difference
between the population at the end of 16 month and the population at the end of
15 months. That is,
Change in population=−=−=PP( (^16) ) ( (^15) ) 8, 576 8, 525 51 People

3.2 Percentage Rate of Change .....................................................................

rate of change of quantity
Percentage rate of change 100
size of quantity


Ifyfx= (), the percentage rate of change of y with respect to x is given by the
( )

Percentage rate of change 100 100

fx dy dx
f xy


Example 2
The gross national product (GNP) of a certain country wasNt t( )=++^25106 t billion

dollars years after 1980.
a. At what rate was the GNP changing with respect to time in 1988?
b. At what percentage rate was the GNP changing with respect to time in 1988?


a. The rate of change of the GNP is the derivativeNt′()= 25 t+. The rate of change in

1988 was N′( (^82852) )=×+= 1 billion dollars per year.
b. The percentage rate of change of the GNP in 1988 was
100 100 10 percent per year




4 Approximation by Differentials; Marginal Analysis .......................................

If y is a function of x, then we have basic formula


Change rate of change of
change in
in with respect to


⎛⎞⎛ ⎞


⎝⎠⎝ ⎠

Approximation Formula
If y=fx() and Δx is a small change in x, then the corresponding change in y is

Δ ≈Δ

or, in functional notation, the corresponding change in f is
Δ= +Δ − ≈ Δf fx x fx f x x( ) ( ) ′( )
That is, the change in the function is approximately that derivative of the
function times the change in its variable.
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