Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

forms of the Klesas is possible until full Enlightenment of Kaivalya is attained through
the practice of Dharma-Megha-Samadhi. This conclusion is confirmed by IV-30 ac-
cording to which freedom from Klesas and Karmas is obtained only after Dharma-
Megha-Samadhi which precedes the attainment of Kaivalya.

  1. Their active modifications are to be suppressed by meditation.

This Sutra gives the method of dealing with the Klesas in the preliminary stage
when they have to be reduced from an active to a passive state. The means to be
adopted are given in one word Dhyana. It is therefore necessary to understand the
meaning of this word in its full scope. The word Dhyana, of course, literally means
meditation or contemplation as explained elsewhere but here it obviously stands for a
rather comprehensive self-discipline of which meditation is the pivot. It is easy to see
that a Sadhaka who is under the domination of Klesas in their active form will have to
attack the problem from many sides at once. In fact, the whole technique of Kriya-
Yoga will have to be utilized for this purpose, for one of the two objects of Kriya-Yoga
is to attenuate the Klesas and the reduction of the Klesas from their active to the pas-
sive form is the first step in this attenuation. Svadhyaya, Tapas and Isvara-
Pranidhana, all the three elements of Kriya-Yoga, have therefore to be used in this
work. But the essential part of all these three is really Dhyana, the intensive concentra-
tion of the mind in order to understand the deeper problems of life and to solve them
effectively for the realization of one's main objective. Even Tapas, the element of
Kriya-Yoga which outwardly seems to involve merely going through certain self-
disciplinary and purificatory exercises, depends for its effectiveness to a large extent
on Dhyana. For, it is not the mere external performance of the act which brings about
the desired result but the inner concentration of purpose and the alert mind which un-
derlie the act. If these latter are not present the outer action will be of no avail. No
success in Yoga is possible unless all the energies of the soul are polarized and har-

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