Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

suffering and prescribes a remedy which is not only effective but brings about a per-
manent cure. This philosophy should therefore be considered not as a mere accessory
but an integral part of Yogic philosophy, upon which alone a stable structure of Yogic
life can be built. Those who come to Yoga out of curiosity drop out sooner or later un-
able to bear its ceaseless strain and the ruthless stripping of the personality which is
involved. Some come driven by vulgar ambition and a spirit of self-aggrandizement.
Their career, if it is not cut short in some way, generally ends in disaster or leads them
to the Left-hand path, which is worse. A few come to Yoga because they find that it is
the only means of securing release from the limitations and illusions of human life and
its miseries. They have understood thoroughly the philosophy of Klesas and even Sid-
dhis or other attractions of the Yogic life have no power to hold them back or make
them tarry in the illusions of the higher realms. They are the only people who are
really qualified to tread this path.

  1. Self-restraints, fixed observances, posture, regulation of breath, abstrac-
    tion, concentration, contemplation, trance are the eight parts (of the self-discipline of

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