Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1

For Review

1. What are the implications of Theories X and Y for motivation practices?

  1. Identify the variables in expectancy theory.

  2. Describe the four ways in which goal setting motivates.

  3. Explain cognitive evaluation theory. How applicable is it to management practice?

  4. What are the pluses and minuses of variable-pay programs from an employee’s viewpoint? From management’s view-

  5. What is an ESOP? How might it positively influence employee motivation?

  6. Define the five core dimensions in the JCM.

  7. Describe three jobs that score high on the JCM. Describe three jobs that score low.

  8. What can firms do to create more motivating environments for their employees?

For Critical Thinking

1. Identify three activities you really enjoy (for example, playing tennis, reading a novel, going shopping). Next, identify
three activities you really dislike (for example, visiting the dentist, cleaning the house, following a low-fat diet). Using
expectancy theory, analyze each of your answers to assess why some activities stimulate your effort while others don’t.

  1. Identify five different bases by which organizations can compensate employees. Based on your knowledge and expe-
    rience, is performance the basis most used in practice? Discuss.

  2. “Employee recognition may be motivational for the moment, but it doesn’t have any staying power. Why? Because
    employees can’t take recognition to Roots or The Bay!” Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.

  3. “Performance can’t be measured, so any effort to link pay with performance is a fantasy. Differences in performance
    are often caused by the system, which means the organization ends up rewarding the circumstances. It’s the same
    thing as rewarding the weather forecaster for a pleasant day.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
    Support your position.

  4. Your textbook argues for recognizing individual differences. It also suggests paying attention to members of diverse
    groups. Does this view contradict the principles of equity theory? Discuss.

OB for You

■ To motivate yourself to finish a particularly long and dry chapter in a textbook, plan a snack break. Or buy yourself a
new CD once that major accounting assignment is finished.

■ The people you interact with appreciate recognition. Consider including a brief note on a nice card to show thanks for
a job well done. Or you might send a basket of flowers. Sometimes just sending a pleasant, thankful email is enough
to make a person feel valued. All of these things are easy enough to do, and appreciated greatly by the recipient.

■ Be aware of the kinds of things that motivate you, so you can choose jobs and activities that suit you better.

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