Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1

For Review

1. Describe the communication process and identify its key components. Give an example of how this process operates
with both oral and written messages.

  1. Contrast encoding and decoding.

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of email? Of instant messaging?

  3. What is nonverbal communication? Does it aid or hinder verbal communication?

  4. What does the phrase “sometimes the real message in a communication is buried in the silence” mean?

  5. What are the managerial implications from the research contrasting male and female communication styles?

  6. List four specific problems related to language difficulties in cross-cultural communication.

  7. What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict? What determines functionality?

  8. What defines the bargaining zone in distributive bargaining?

1 0.How can you improve your negotiating effectiveness?

For Critical Thinking

1. “Ineffective communication is the fault of the sender.” Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.

  1. Using the concept of channel richness, give examples of messages best conveyed by email, in face-to-face communi-
    cation, and on the company bulletin board.

  2. Why do you think so many people are poor listeners?

  3. Assume one of your co-workers had to negotiate a contract with someone from China. What problems might he or
    she face? If the co-worker asked for advice, what suggestions would you make to help facilitate a settlement?

  4. From your own experience, describe a situation you were involved in where the conflict was dysfunctional. Describe
    another example, from your experience, where the conflict was functional. Would the other parties in the conflicts
    agree with your assessment of what is functional or dysfunctional?

OB for You

■ If you are having difficulty communicating with someone, you might consider that both you and the other person are
contributing something to that breakdown. This tends to be true even if you are inclined to believe that the other per-
son is the party more responsible for the breakdown.

■ Often either selective perception or defensiveness gets in the way of communication. As you work in your groups on
student projects, you may want to observe communication flows more critically to help you understand ways that
communication can be improved and dysfunctional conflict avoided.

■ It may seem easier, but avoiding conflict does not necessarily have a more positive outcome than working with some-
one to resolve the conflict.

■ Trying to achieve a win-win solution in a conflict situation tends to lead to better relationships and greater trust.

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