Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1
Expert Power
Expert poweris influence based on expertise, special skills, or knowledge. Expertise
has become one of the most powerful sources of influence as the world has become
more technologically oriented. While it is generally acknowledged that physicians have
expertise and hence expert power—most of us follow the advice that our doctors give us—
you should also recognize that computer specialists, tax accountants, economists, and
other specialists can have power as a result of their expertise. Young people may find they
have increased power in the workplace these days because of the technical knowledge
and expertise that their Baby-Boomer managers may not have.
Expert power relies on trust that all relevant information is given out honestly and
completely. Of course, since knowledge is power, the more that information is shared,
the less expert power a person has. Thus, some individuals try to protect their power
by withholding information.^9 This tactic can result in poor-quality performance by
those who need the information.^10 The Working With Others Exerciseon page 245–246
gives you the opportunity to explore the effectiveness of different bases of power in
changing someone’s behaviour.

Referent Power
Referent powerdevelops out of admiration of another and a desire to be like that per-
son. In a sense, then, it is a lot like charisma. If you admire someone to the point of
modelling your behaviour and attitudes after him or her, that person possesses referent
power over you. Sometimes teachers and coaches have referent power because of our
admiration of them. Referent power explains why celebrities are paid millions of dollars
to endorse products in commercials. Companies such as Toronto-based Roots Canada have

224 Part 3Interacting Effectively


Source:Drawing by Leo Cullum in The New Yorker.Copyright © 1986 The New Yorker Magazine.
Reprinted by permission.

expert power Influence based
on special skills or knowledge.

referent power Influence based
on possession by an individual of
desirable resources or personal traits.

Roots Canada

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