Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1

For Review

1. What is power? How do you get it?

  1. Contrast the bases of power and influence tactics.

  2. What are some of the key contingency variables that determine which tactic a power holder is likely to use?

  3. Which of the six bases of power lie with the individual? Which are derived from the organization?

  4. State the general dependency postulate. What does it mean?

  5. What creates dependency? Give an applied example.

  6. Identify the range of empowerment that might be available to employees.

  7. Definesexual harassment.Who is most likely to harass an employee: a boss, a co-worker, or a subordinate? Explain.

  8. How are power and politics related?

1 0.Definepolitical behaviour.Why is politics a fact of life in organizations?

For Critical Thinking

1. Based on the information presented in this chapter, if you were a recent graduate entering a new job, what would
you do to maximize your power and accelerate your career progress?

  1. “Politics isn’t inherently bad. It is merely a way to get things accomplished within organizations.” Do you agree or
    disagree? Defend your position.

  2. You are a sales representative for an international software company. After four excellent years, sales in your territory
    are off 30 percent this year. Describe three impression management techniques you might use to convince your man-
    ager that your sales record is better than one could have expected under the circumstances.

  3. “Sexual harassment should not be tolerated in the workplace.” “Workplace romances are a natural occurrence in
    organizations.” Are both of these statements true? Can they be reconciled?

  4. Which impression management techniques have you used? What ethical implications, if any, are there in using
    impression management?

OB for You

■ There are a variety of ways to increase your power in an organization. As an example, you could acquire more knowl-
edge about a situation and then use that information to negotiate a bonus with your employer. Even if you don’t get
the bonus, the knowledge may help you in other ways.

■ To increase your power, consider how dependent others are on you. Dependency is affected by your importance, sub-
stitutability, and scarcity options. If you have needed skills that no one else has, you will have more power.

■ You can develop political skills. Remembering to take time to join in an office birthday celebration for someone is part
of developing the skill of working with others effectively.

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