Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1
Chapter 7Power and Politics 245



Understanding Bases of Power

Step 1 : Your instructor will divide the class into groups of about 5 or 6 (making sure there are at least 5 groups). Each
group will be assigned 1 of the following bases of power: (1) coercive, (2) reward, (3) legitimate, (4) expert,
(5) referent, (6) information. Refer to your text for discussion of these terms.

Step 2: Each group is to develop a role play that highlights the use of the power assigned. The role play should be
developed using the following scenario:

You are the leader of a group that is trying to develop a website for a new client. One of your group mem-
bers, who was assigned the task of researching and analyzing the websites of your client’s competition, has
twice failed to bring the analysis to scheduled meetings, even though the member knew the assignment
was due. Consequently, your group is falling behind in getting the website developed. As leader of the
group, you have decided to speak with this team member and to use your specific brand of power to
influence the individual’s behaviour.

Step 3: Each group should select 1 person to play the group leader, and another to play the member who has not
done the assignment. You have 10 minutes to prepare an influence plan.

Step 4: Each group will conduct its role play. In the event of multiple groups’ being assigned the same power base, 1
of the groups may be asked to volunteer. While you are watching the other groups’ role plays, try to put your-
self in the place of the person being influenced, to see whether that type of influence would cause you to
change your behaviour.
Immediately after each role play, while the next one is being set up, you should pretend that you were the
person being influenced, and then record your reaction using the questionnaire below. To do this, take out a
sheet of paper and tear it into 5 (or 6) pieces. At the top of each piece of paper, write the type of influence
that was used. Then write the letters A, B, C,and Din a column, and indicate which number on the scale (see
below) reflects the influence attempt.

Reaction to Influence Questionnaire

For each role play, think of yourself being on the receiving end of the influence attempt described and record your own reac-

Type of power used __________________________

A.As a result of the influence attempt, I will...
definitely not comply 12345 definitely comply

B.Any change that does come about will be...
temporary 12345 long-lasting

C.My own personal reaction is...
resistant 12345 accepting

D.As a result of this influence attempt, my relationship with my group leader will probably be...
worse 12345 better

Step 5: For each influence type, 1 member of each group will take the pieces of paper from group members and cal-
culate the average group score for each of the 4 questions. For efficiency, this should be done while the role
plays are being conducted. continued

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