Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1

group, do not fit this description well. The Darwinists are characterized as angry, intim-
idated by change, and anxious about their professional and financial futures.

Generation X
Although this group is quite fragmented in its values,
research shows that the common values are experience-
seeking, adaptability, and concern with personal image
among peers. Despite these common values, Generation
Xers can be divided into five tribes. Thrill-seeking materialists
(25 percent) desire money and material possessions, as well
as recognition, respect, and admiration. Aimless depen-
dants (27 percent) seek financial independence, security, and stability. Social hedonists
(15 percent) are experience-seeking, committed to their own pleasure, and seek imme-
diate gratification. New Aquarians (13 percent) are experience-seeking, and also egalitarian
and ecologically minded. Finally, autonomous post-materialists (20 percent) seek personal
autonomy and self-fulfillment, and are concerned about human rights.

The Ne(x)t Generation
Since Adams’ book appeared, another generation has been identified. Labelled the
Net Generation,^50 millennials,^51 Generation Y, or the Echo Boomers, this generation,
born between 1977 and 1997, consists of “creators, not recipients. And they are curi-
ous, contrarian, flexible, collaborative and high in self-esteem.”^52 This generation is
defined by its ease with technology, having grown up with cellphones, text messag-
ing, and Internet access (hence the name “Net”). They are team players and optimists
with a desire for order.^53
In this chapter’s Learning About Yourself Exerciseon page 94, you have the opportunity
to examine some of the things that you value.

The Generations Meet in the Workplace
Baby Boomers currently dominate the workplace, but their years of being in charge are
limited. In 2013, half of them will be at least 55 and 18 percent will be over 60.^54 As

Chapter 3Values, Attitudes, and Their Effects in the Workplace 83

Are Gen-Xers
really different from
their elders?


Vancouver-based Mainframe
Entertainment, the company
behind Rebootand Zixx,under-
stands the values of its
Generation X employees: experi-
ence, recognition, respect, and
admiration. Mainframe’s anima-
tors get leadership opportunities,
including the opportunity to
direct shows, which they would
not get at higher-paying studios
in Los Angeles. Mainframe has
one of the lowest turnover rates
in the animation business because
of its emphasis on giving its
young employees the opportunity
to acquire new skills.
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