The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Lemon Bars

These easy snack bars dry quickly and have a tangy, sweet flavor.


1 cup sprouted oats
1 cup soaked almonds, drained
½ cup seeded, soaked dates, drained
3 tablespoons freshly grated lemon zest
Juice of 1 lemon

Using a homogenizing juicer, homogenize the oats, almonds, and dates until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and mix in the lemon zest
and juice. Press evenly into an 18-inch dehydrator tray, spreading it ½ inch thick. Using one of the methods described here, dehydrate the bars for
18 hours. Cut out of the tray into bars and dry longer. The bars shouldn’t be super sticky. Refrigerate until chilled and serve.

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