The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Almond Mylk

I never really understood the concept of humans drinking milk from a cow. Cow’s milk is designed to take an eighty-pound calf and turn it into a

three-hundred pound heifer in a few months. Almond Mylk has more nutrition than cow’s milk and is far more absorbable into the human body.

Sproutable almonds are also a great source of proteins and amino acids.


3 dates, seeded
3 cups filtered water
½ cup sprouted almonds

Place the dates in a small bowl, cover with the water, and soak for about 1 hour, or until soft. Transfer the dates and their soaking water to a
blender, add the almonds, and blend until smooth. Strain through a wire-mesh strainer into a tall glass and serve. (The pulp can be blended again
for a lighter batch or used for “rawies,” or dehydrated cookies.)

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