The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Nut Shake

When using frozen bananas, slice them up before putting them in the blender. This will ensure that all of the pieces blend up evenly, resulting in

the most creamy “milk shake” imaginable.


5 dates, seeded
2¾ cups filtered water
Seeds from ½ vanilla bean
½ cup sprouted almonds
4 bananas, peeled, frozen, and thickly sliced

Place the dates in a small bowl, cover with ¾ cup of the water, and soak for about 1 hour, or until soft. Place the dates, along with their soaking
water, and the vanilla bean seeds in a blender and blend until smooth. Add the almonds and the remaining 2 cups water and blend until smooth.
Add the bananas and continue blending until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve.

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