Collectors\' Motor Cars and Automobilia

(Nora) #1

Bonhams enlisted two independent specialists to inspect the car and
they confirmed that it has an original roadster body" the reason for the
discrepancy is not known. A previous owner, Dr David Steiner, has confirmed
to Bonhams that the XK was very much a roadster when he bought it in
Manchester in the autumn of 1972.

On 7th September 1973, Dr Steiner sold the car (still registered 'YNE 111') to
Mr Anthony Lumsden-Cook. Mr Lumsden-Cook totally restored the XK in the
late 1970searly 190s and then entered the car, now registered 1 L<M,
into various concours events, including the 191 ?K Day organised by the
Jaguar Drivers' Club. Related correspondence states: 'Congratulations on
your win on Sunday.... I was unable to have a really close look at your car as
0 was Qudging 120s but Geoff Small assures me it was the best he had ever
seen.' - John Hedges (Secretary of the JDC's XK Register); and also: 'My
fellow XK Committee members, some of whom judged concours at XK Day,
were rather impressed by your car, reckoning it to have achieved the highest
standards seen for some time....' - Ian Hart (Editor XK Bulletin).

0t is unknown who carried out the restoration but there is an invoice on file
dated September 191 from DK Engineering in relation to preparing the car
for the XK Day concours, and another invoice regarding transporting it from
DK Engineering to well known and respected trimmers Suffolk Turley. A
charming suppliers plate is affixed to the dashboard illustrating that, at some
stage, the car was handled by Duncan Hamilton & Co. A St Christopher
medal and two stopwatches also grace the dashboard.

The present owner acquired the Jaguar from Anthony Lumsden-Cook in
March 194 and subsequently took it to Switzerland where it has resided
ever since. Shortly thereafter, a KPH speedometer was installed although
the original MPH speedo is offered with the car. The owner, an enthusiastic
Jaguar collector who also owns an XK150 Coupé, has frequently driven -
and rallied - the car, which has mellowed since its concours-winning days.
He has entered no fewer than six Coupe des Alpes (in the 190s90s)" a
couple of Tour Autos; the GP Montreaux regularity trials; the Megeve - St.
Tropez" and the Byblos Rally to St Tropez. The car has also benefitted from
regular servicing and renovation work that included fitment of an aluminium
fuel tank and exhaust.

The car has also been given a thorough road test by Bonhams Group
Motoring Director James Knight, who drove it some 40 kilometres through
lakeside villages, the Autoroute and into downtown Geneva. The XK150 'S'
behaved very well, with good power and smooth delivery; slick gearbox;
surefooted handling and impeccable temperature and pressure readings.
Handsomely finished in 0ndigo Blue with grey leather interior, 2002
represents an exciting opportunity to acquire one of the rarest models ever
produced by Jaguar of the ultimate version of the legendary XK family.

Please note this vehicle will be subject to the reduced 5% import tax if
remaining in the EU.
£220,000 - 280,000
€260,000 - 330,000
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