Mathematics and Economics

(Michael S) #1
Uncertainty and Probability Continuous Time: g–expectations

Diffusion Models

based on Cheng, R., IMW Working Paper 429
Framework now: Brownian motionW on a filtered probability space
(Ω,F,P 0 ,(Ft)) with the usual conditions
Typical Example: Ambiguous Driftμt(ω)∈[−κ,κ]
P={P:Wis Brownian motion with driftμt(ω)∈[−κ,κ]}
(for time–consistency: stochastic drift important!)
worst case: either +κor−κ, depending on the state
LetEtX= minP∈PEP[X|Ft]
we have the representation

for some predictable processZ
Knightian expectations solve a backward stochastic differential
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