iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1

Alto’s Odyssey slowly but surely
reveals its hand, as you discover new
environments, hazards and moves,
such as bouncing on balloons and
wall-riding cliffs. The achievements
system can at times be a bit
frustrating – some requirements are
very specific and tricky to pull off. But
mostly, this is a meditative, hypnotic
game – not least when you fire up the
zero-risk Zen mode and let your eyes
take in the gorgeous day/night cycle
while your ears are serenaded by
serene audio.

  1. Beat Sneak Bandit
    Price: £2.99
    Now and again, developers gleefully
    mash genres together, resulting in

some of the more
interesting games
on the App Store.
On that basis, you’d
expect Beat Sneak
Bandit to be very
interesting indeed,
given that it combines
rhythm action,
platforming, stealth,
and pathfinding.
That it manages
to do so with one-
thumb controls
and bucketfuls
of humour should be considered
nothing short of astonishing.
The back story is that evil Duke
Clockface has stolen all the clocks
and the
world is in
chaos – no-
one knows
when to
brush their
teeth, or
what time
on! So a
thief, the
Beat Sneak


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