iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1


11.Cards! – MonkeyBox 2
Price: £2.99
Cards! begins with you receiving
a plea for help – only, you’re in a
locked cell. The titular cards depict
your surroundings and actions
as you make decisions regarding
what to do next. One swift escape
later (by way of a deft few swipes)
and an arrow misses your foot by
inches. It’s instantly clear choices
you subsequently make will be the
difference between life and death.
What’s less clear is everything else.
If Cards! was marketed in an old-
school manner, it’d rock up as a disc
inside a plain
box. The
game isn’t
in a hurry
to explain
there’s a lot
of trial and
error. Slowly,
you figure
out the order
in which to
play cards,
to avoid an

Logic is sometimes – but not always

  • a useful ally. From the days of
    Rick Dangerous on ancient home
    computers, we’ve never been keen
    on games that kill you without
    warning. Cards! does this frequently.
    But while the game is confounding
    and occasionally frustrating, it’s also
    forgiving. Lose your lives (you get the
    classic three) and the game loops back
    to the start of the current chapter
    rather than the very beginning.
    If you expect card-based
    adventuring to work like clockwork,
    the oddball nature of Cards! might
    not appeal. But if you like the sound
    of a mobile-friendly card game full of
    charm, puzzles and experimentation,
    look no further.

12.Card Thief
Price: £2.99
This game is what happens when
solitaire collides with stealth. Nine
cards are dealt as a three-by-three
grid, and your aim is to draw a path
through them that maximises the loot
you snag, but minimises stealth point
losses. Said losses can quickly rack
up, if you attempt to tackle too many
guards or monsters, or blunder about
extinguishing torches.
As you get further into the game,
new subtleties are unearthed. There
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