iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1

are chests to ransack, and barrels to
hide in that replenish your stealth
points. Some enemies steal your
gold, and others move
around, as if the cards
they’re housed in are alive.
Collect enough swag and
you can spend it on power-
ups, giving you a fighting
chance of higher scores
during subsequent games.
With plenty of depth
and superb visuals, even its
slightly repetitive nature
can’t take the edge off
Card Thief. Start playing

and it’s guaranteed to steal plenty
of your time.

  1. Catan Classic
    Price: £4.99
    Graphically, this is a faithful
    rendition of Klaus Teuber’s superb
    and deservedly idolised tile-based
    island conquest game. Having the
    iPad handle those tiresome banking
    duties and victory point calculations
    makes things far more fast-paced
    than the board game, and you can
    view statistical tables at the end of
    the bout.
    The computer players can be
    absolute swines – they’ll merrily gang
    up on you in a way that most human
    players would consider beyond the
    pale – but hardcore gamers may even
    consider this a plus. And the original


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