iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1

to some degree on IAP for new card
packs, but the quest rewards for
fulfilling various criteria (such as
number of monsters summoned or
points healed) minimise the necessity
of paying for anything.
The turn-based set-up makes it
a perfect game to play during odd
moments, and seeing a long-term
strategy pay off is very satisfying.


  1. Bomb Chicken
    Price: £4.99
    It turns out all those rumours about
    fast food being bad for your health
    were true. Or at least the ones about
    BFC were – its mysterious blue hot

sauce is not
only addictive,
but arrives from
a decidedly
Your aim is
to uncover the
secret. The snag:
you’re a chicken.
Also, you’re a
chicken who after
a freak accident
in some of the
blue goop now
happens to lay bombs instead of eggs.
Fortunately, explosive ‘eggs’ are
an advantage to purposeful poultry
suddenly surrounded by hostile
enemies. Bombs can be used to
blow up walls, or laid as a column,
which is then shoved across the
screen towards switches – or
terrified enemies.
There are clear retro vibes
throughout the entire game. The
visuals are decidedly old-school in
nature – all chunky pixels – albeit
animated like a modern cartoon. It’s
also extremely tough. The first boss
level finds the chicken pursued by a
screen-high circular saw, and staying
enough steps ahead to avoid being

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