iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1


filleted is quite a challenge.
It’s the difficulty level that might
stop you staying the course. Even
though levels are relatively short, it
can be trying having to grind through
them again and again. Still, you can at
least rack up extra lives by grabbing
all the blue gems from earlier levels;
and if you can make it through to the
end, you can certainly claim from a
gaming standpoint
that you’re anything
but chicken.

17.Drop Wizard
Price: £1.99
We recall once
laughing at a games
reviewer’s observation
that an RPG with a
jump button is “rarer

than a badger in a Ferrari”. Well, this is
that even rarer thing: a platform game
without one.
In Drop Wizard you can’t jump; all
you can do is move left or right (it’s
one or the other – you can’t stand
still) and fall off things. Fortunately
the hole at the bottom of each level,
unlike those in most platform games,
leads not to death but to the top of


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