iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1

required for doing so.
Linn can frustrate, not
least when the slightly
twitchy controls fail
you. But restarts
are swift, and this is
a rewarding game
when you crack a
particularly bonkers
level, and then
spare yourself a few
seconds to breathe
in the lush audio and
minimal visuals before
tackling the next

  1. Mushroom 11
    Price: £4.99
    Something terrible has happened
    in the world of Mushroom 11. The
    scarred landscape – peppered with
    pools of toxic liquids – provides only
    glimpses of what once was, in a few
    twisted scraps of metal and damaged
    structures. Life barely clings on –
    although not necessarily in the forms
    you’d expect.
    One such survivor is a green blob,
    which comes under your control. It
    has a thirst to explore its ravaged
    world, gobbling up bugs, flowers, and
    surprisingly psychotic plants. And the
    way in which it does so showcases the

wonderfully tactile, intuitive nature of
the best iOS games.
Although this is a platform/puzzler,
you at no point press left, right or
jump. Instead, you use a finger to
‘erase’ chunks of the blob, which
then grow back. Sometimes, you
blaze through tunnels, Sonic-style.
Elsewhere, you carefully mould your
creature into a pole to activate a set
of buttons, or split it in half, so one
part can trigger a switch while the
other sneaks through a door.
Whether you tackle the adventure
by slowly picking your way along
or treating it as a manic speed run,
Mushroom 11 is a unique, engaging
experience that only really makes
sense on the touchscreen.

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