iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1


21.About Love and Hate 2
Price: £2.99
About Love and Hate 2 starts off like
its predecessor, the award-winning
About Love, Hate and the other ones
from the App Store’s dim and distant.
Two silhouette-like creatures have
an all-encompassing desire to thump
a big red switch. Your task is to get
them to it.
The snag is their world comprises
blocky structures that float in space.
Love and Hate can only leap upwards
one block, and so must clamber on
each other to reach their goal, or
utilize otherwise dormant critters to
fill holes or become docile platforms.
Love can fire hearts to have a creature
move one block closer; Hate blasts

lightning, to move them away. This is
all nice enough – and brain-punchy
when you want to grab all the coins
that are dotted about and later used
to unlock bonus stages. But it’s the
same game again. Everything changes,
though, when it goes 3D.
Then, using gestures to zoom
and rotate the landscape becomes
more than a dazzling visual trick – it’s
essential for solving puzzles. And by
filtering its Soko-Banish gameplay
through the path-finding trickery of
Mekorama, About Love and Hate 2
becomes challenging in all-new ways.
You’ll grin at its deviousness,
spend ages mulling over puzzles, and
kick yourself on working out solutions
you should have spotted ages ago.
Dare we say you’ll grow to love and
hate it? Mostly the
former, mind.

22.Baba Is You
Price: £5.99
Shoving boxes around
to complete puzzles is
a mechanic almost as
old as video gaming
itself. But Baba Is You
brings something new,
through enabling – in
fact, demanding – you
to manipulate the
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